For anyone who knew "Coyo" - various forms of Coyoxxxxx - a requiem at the Pony is currently planned for the 13th April in memory of a friendly, helpful player. Orcs he could defeat but the challenge posed by cancer proved to great. This is very recent so I am not sure there are specific details available yet.
Tomorrow, 7th April, is a tribute for "Roasalie" of Second Breakfast who is leaving for health reasons. Details here:
Edit: Not a happy weekend on Crick for a lot of people
Rosalie, guild leader of Second Breakfast, was well known and news that - in LotR terms - she has embarked on her journey into the west has put a damper on things.
Many parades around Bree, songs and dancing (as I type).
Edit: gathering mainly at South Gate where Coyo was a regular at the weekly Bread & Jam sessions. Planned to last for a while.