Guess I am one of the few that really enjoys getting new ARPG's. I buy almost all of them as they are one of my favorite genre. Really hope there will be other options then click to move because that is straight up carpal tunnel waiting to happen. Looks like they want you to use a controller to play it but don't really do that on my PC to often. Will reserve judgement till I have seen more of it though.
Guess I am one of the few that really enjoys getting new ARPG's.
I guess there are a lot more, it's kinda popular - the why is beyond my reach, I avoid those games like the plague... but that's just me.
The disappointment you can see all around (not just on this site) ain't aimed at diablo-clones in general, just for this title alone, which started (and should be, might I add) as a "MtG MMORPG", which was watered down later into "MtG action MMO".
So people expected some kinda (ANY kinda, actually) MtG game at the end, and what they got is a diablo clone with MtG skin.
Not even an action MMO anymore, so if you enjoy getting new ones you're in luck. According to their post-video communications, addressing the (fairly disappointed) feedbacks, it's now an isometric arpg, in an always-online world, with singleplayer and optionally group questing in instances. Sounds familiar to a diablo player, right?
I just fail to see where is Magic in it, beyond some favour text and a few mob models based on their card images.
really sad