VR MMO's are what give me the feeling I had again when I first played
Everquest/WoW back in the day. If you have no tried an MMO in VR,
entering the world for the first time is an amazing feeling. But one is
currently being made and has a kickstarter (funded) that you still have
a few hours to support and become part of the original backers. VR is
going to become mainstream (Meta Quest 3 and new Apple VR launcing in a
week). Don't be left behind.
Ascent Quest is going to use many
system from games like DDO, WoW, etc. There will be amazing dungeons,
gear, housing, and raiding.
You can support here.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ascent-quest/ascent-quest-an-epic-online-rpg-for-virtual-realityTheir website:
https://www.ascent-quest.com/Their Discord:
Sure, thanks!