can anyone suggest a good hobby. Something thats not video games, trading card games or minatures games. I would like some kind of game where you can sit with your friend and talk about it or play it at lunch like a board game. Something you could start an adventure club out of.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Well there's not much out there but if you play paintball you could come up with your own scenarios...
You could always create the "Maths & Physics Club"
I guess a card game would be the best bet... or different card games... who knows
Played- Runescape, Conquer
Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld
fantasy sports is cool. my brother got me into it a couple years back, now we are in a 16 player leage in football and all are friends/family its pretty fun even if i dont know who 90% of the players are i can read a statistics page on and i fit in here in pittsburgh a little better since the only thing anyone here seems to know exists in the world is the steelers/nfl
In general, in life I am a big gamer. I tried a lot of games, but the ones that attracted me most were the gambling ones. Recently I saw an interesting review and realized that I couldn’t stop. It's so interesting and so addictive.