Originally posted by JeanLouise
You're just a fucking little prick with an issue with the game. You
might as well jump off a tower and splat all over the concrete for all
I care you dickless wonder piece of shit.
This was brought upon by a light-hearted, non-serious joke about her. Read it all
OMG! Where is the sense of outrage over JeanLouise's careless wording of suicide? Didn't anyone over there ever lose anybody? I, for one, am not amused.
F'ing hypocrites. At least my good-bye post had breading lung.
Not a warning,no nothing.
Sp much for their own Forumrules.
I guess they can bend them as they please if it helps posters that says nice things about DnL.
If someone else would make meaningless nonsense posts & threads over & over a moderator would step in & label the user as a "troll" & ban the account. If its a fanboy then its "they where emotional" or "stop with the jokes".
trying to get banned with this
Head Joint SoundCloud Page
woot finally. took them 10 minutes, yet jean is still fine to continue to post after that post.
guess they only extend that type of courtesy to shills?
Head Joint SoundCloud Page
he's banned now too
And he was nothing but a troll.
And he was nothing but a troll.
I voted troll in the fanbio/shill/troll thread heh, i guess I should choose another person now that the cat is out of the bag (i think that's the saying)
now the truth? which one of you is him!
And he was nothing but a troll.
I voted troll in the fanbio/shill/troll thread heh, i guess I should choose another person now that the cat is out of the bag (i think that's the saying)
now the truth? which one of you is him!
Up until early today I thought Jean was a troll, and I had even made a couple of posts telling him to give up the act; but he didn't budge so then I began to believe that he really was that big of an idiot fanboi or a shill. So I had voted shill on the poll. I've got to admit he finally had me fooled.
Maybe he'll join us here and will share is true feelings of the game.
edit: correction, I was mistaken, I had voted shill because I couldn't believe anyone could be that stupid.
Come on, we can tell now
And he was nothing but a troll.
I voted troll in the fanbio/shill/troll thread heh, i guess I should choose another person now that the cat is out of the bag (i think that's the saying)
now the truth? which one of you is him!
They already got that started there.
Dunno if I should mention it, but I seen a thread on that one web site (you know which), that folks were actually discussing people's intentions to make "fake fanbois" forum accounts and disrupt DnL forums.
Making jest and complaining is one thing.. but to just try to sabatoge a game that doesnt exactly need it is another..
I take it we're the site that dare not speakth thy name. I must have missed that discussion. Damn we're evil.
Holy crap thats awsome!! he got busted for real! Lol! God I hated that guy! Now fess up! Its you isn't it zorbane!!!
Now to root out the evil known as ZtyX....*lights torch, grabs pitchfork*
EDIT: Oh, looks like snowman22 got owned there too huh? About the paid shill thing. Heh.
That's a different one.
That's a different one.
Oh it is? LOL what are the odds?
Had him suspected of that simply because he joined in June 2006 but he had so much insider info at times that he could not be a new user.
But i prefered to see him as a deluded fanny like ZtyX is.
That was more fun and created some lively threads.
And no this time it was not me.
I had my fun over at ZtyX's forum but sadly that thread turned bad with the last poster on first page and later on.
I'm still amazed that people actually thought Serpico would post such a thing in another Forum.
Off course he wouldn't and i thought people would spot that prank quickly,but it sure reached a few forums concerning DnL.
That just shows that you can never believe anything on the internet.
I hinted quite a few times in that old thread that it was me who did it but only 1 or 2 seemed to find out.
JeanLouise annoyed the sh*t out of me
Who ever you are, well done! You played us good
Dunno if I should mention it, but I seen a thread on that one web site (you know which), that folks were actually discussing people's intentions to make "fake fanbois" forum accounts and disrupt DnL forums.
Making jest and complaining is one thing.. but to just try to sabatoge a game that doesnt exactly need it is another..
I take it we're the site that dare not speakth thy name. I must have missed that discussion. Damn we're evil.
you have GOT to be kidding me? Where in the hell did that idiot get the idea (or the thread) that we were deliberately out to do this? what an idiot!!! I hope that person who wrote this is reading this.I wouldve like to have seen that thread myself! (first of all, if they seem to think that mmorpg.com is all crap, hows come they keep trying to blame this forum for the abysmall state of their own game? Have we THAT much power? Are we THAT evil? .....wow....kewl...)
That is a flat out lie and I cannot bear the fact that the DNL forums are blasting our fair forum and site such as this. We MUST rally and counter the attack from FNL er..DNL. For all those that love, covet, idolize and wish to have mmorpg.com's babies, unite for the greater good! Tear down the lies and facade that we have all been doing. Stop having fun at DNLs expense. STop making fun of the ridiculously insane posts made by the innocent of the FNL..er DNL. Erect a statue in Vuuars likeness. Throw flowers and money at its feet. We MUST conform to be top notch in FNL..er..DNLs eyes. The potential is there! We MUST follow the elusive potential!
I was posting as JeanLouise on the DnL forum. Guilty as charged. I took the ID from the guy who posted here a few times, although my english is far better (I couldn't pull off the "i can't type english" part of it).
Look, the game sucked, so sure everyone was posting how bad it was. However, I thought it would be much more entertaining to post like Zytx and Weg. I had a lot of people really upset, and I couldn't help but to laugh like crazy.
So, I finally wanted to see if I could post something really offensive and see if I would get banned. It took a lot, but indeed I was banned and they realized I wasn't french. /shrug
Sorry you guys got so upset, but it was much more entertaining than reading the same old "omg, this game suxxx!!!!" posts.
I found it funny anyway. Hope that when you guys look back on the JeanLouise posts more entertaining than just being another game basher.