end game as far as a product. I would love if it picked up a large enough following and saw a large enough amount of subs for it that they decided to dedicate a team to developing it as a side to side vs normal wow. But with the old guard ways of d…
DeadSpock said:
Only glitch I have encountered so far is when you start the game it goes to a random server not to the one I have my characters so I just back out and select my server, also when game is down for maintance or whatnot there is n…
Scot said:
Just checking in to commiserate with the OP for being given consoles for Xmas. Don't they know you already have a PC?
Oh yes sir they do. I just wanted to visit the plebs of the lower realms and make sure the kingdoms were n…
@Manestream based on your comment. Do you know that you already got a huge discount if you owned the game before it broke off from soe. To the lump sum of Free. That's right. They gave everyone who owned h1z1 a copy of both titles at the spilt. H1Z…
instead of going to a forum such as this and wanting someone who is trying to be helpful make you a video or research one so you can sit back and click a button. Why not do something like go to a twitch stream of a gamer who is playing the game at t…
ok. I know I sound back and forth. ive decided im buying my 1060 6 gig card now. and when money permits ill just buy 2 8 gig sticks together so I know they will work. I truly appreciate everyones insight. thank you.
ok im sorry to be posting again I see on newegg all of them I seem to find have the timing on the ram set to Timing 9-9-9-24. when I use cpu-z on my pc. Unless im being a idiot I believe it says my ram of the same model is 11-11-11-28. Am I wrong or…
Ok would this work? I can not seem to find 4 gb sticks. only sets of 2 gig ones. But if I buy https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231489&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Mem…