1)to person above: there never were any high/higher/imba/imba umber graphics/textures that are currently omitted..i was in both closed and stress w/end betas
2)to OP: Worst ever was in fact Rift's [if you wish to keep it recent]
Keep it re…
i do think fondly of Herod as i age..
used to be the journey..now, before games are even launched some idiot lacking the 2 weeks attention span required to top lvl a toon is having a good/best DPS thread..even more sadly,this idiot represents a go…
" No, I haven’t been in beta for months and months, I don’t have any max or even mid-level characters and I haven’t done any open world PvP or raiding or a dozen other things this game offers "
but hey, posting is free..enter wall text, c…
not my type, but progress in the genre is always good, and that being said..
those of you that like it, you better go get active in its forums..and influence
judging from the direction SOE seems to be heading into, (EQNext, DCUO), it being simpl…
beta was fun, still a WoW 2.0, but fun. And a major improvement for the themepark genre..enjoyed it,had already pre-ordered a CE so not much more i could do excluding the extra smile on my face.
@OP: but "surpassing"? Why? Or rather, in what exac…
i have everything against Funcom, but nothing against the -idea- of TSW.. which results in my holding no hope whatsoever, it's Funcom's..though sincerelly doubting it, i'd be well satisfied to be informed on how dead wrong i am..which as i said, i a…
you make this post only minutes after the servers went down for scheduled maint..with all this may entail, you being far from the first whining somewhere only and right after the servers go down ^^
tip of the day: if you can be so easily made unc…
welcome welcome, feast on our brand new update!!...
We will hide everything of import however, so as to eff you over royally once more, for the third time in a row !!!
Best wishes, Funcom
@Spock: i won't state whether anyone gives an effing about where you get YOUR info i think you can guess on yer own.
@OP: it will be an MMO yes..it launches with 15 operations, craft mats within them for some extras in crafting, an auction house …
@ Creslin (op):
Stop being argumentative for nobody but Blizzard's sake and acknowledge the facts.
It is not a myth, it is a given. you can tell this by simply seeing that even though the majority of us have gone through it, those of us not liki…
once more,logging in just to say thanks Coyote!!!
someone finally willing to be as sarcastic of his own self as that of others, and intelligently so! Did i mention humorously as well?
(how the hell did you manage to get hired in THIS site,lol..)
"for now though, the new zones, new race, and new class all look great"
phooof.. another Will the Murph objective, rational, non-biased, and most of all, open minded article..i love you man, people like you make me happy, and thankfully, world's f…
i like seeing bots/gold farmers en masse in a game..it tells me it's not MY game. Best notice i can get, and early enough to leave unscathed. No one can give me a clearer picture of that than the yellow man leaving his programmed software to run som…
the majority of people will always be cunts, i don't think it should come as a surprise..any form of gain, and of any type, can trigger greed, envy, offensiveness.. had, has and will be happening..human nature. So while your post has a strong point,…
@ Psyclum (op): No offense, but you are overreacting (notice my refraining from using a more,erm,popular way of describing that). I have repeatedly complained about the way this forum is run, the idea behind the way things are approached in article…
Though originally highly hopeful of this one, and it was a support i did make evident here, i soon came to see just what the sad truth was...and even though i was actually quite polite in my describing why..and after questioning things out..
Though i do doubt you will get to read that Coyote, this site needs more people (professionally engaged i mean) than you, and less William Murphies. Thanks for the read once more
My currently -best MMO ever- and -how you can hate SOE but love their products- award winner..
soon to also be -fallback MMO of the Century- assuming SWTOR will turn out to be peopleswise WoW 2.0..chances of which are sadly, but logically, high..…