Truly an amazing read. It is so true and makes me sad that EA being the gaming giant it is make so many damn good games that i refuse not to play, it bugs the hell out of my that they can produce some many games and also give us an online scavenger …
I do like the idea of gelatious goo.
And a little of topic but, has a game but in a class that deals with time. Like a chronomage.
p.s. i'd like to see the Doctor Who references in game with it
I Like the idea of meshing together Loot containers and adding the legendary items such as the equal of shadowmourne. So people can comptete with one another but could also stand out as their own character.
I'm just tired of trying to read these forums just to hear that it is a WoW clone... I'm pretty sure this is not the case. Even since the game is not released... Oh Gw2 is probably gonna be just fine. There are reasons why people get paid for creati…
I personally thought that just because you wear a acertain type of gear you become super powerful. I wish there was a different system for getting stats.
Just an idea I had choose stats when you level instead of just gear.
Just an idea don't w…
I also have had similar problems. But also like many people who play WoW I will quit and come back at a later date. But to also do this I would have to call blizard for a hour or so... Becasue my account was hacked and later baned I would recieve th…
I didn't include GW2 into a my discussion post becsaue I plan on buying it anyways. With no sub who cares if i play two games to keep from my game interests from getting stale.
I would really like Rift to stay alive. But probably more so becasue of Trion. They actually listen to player base and feedback. Maybe if they making a game on the lines of simularity of GW2 and SWTOR they will keep subs.
But if im the last one in…
I'm always weary of the possiblity of the game being pushed back, not that im saying it will or not.
I think if they would give me a relase date I would preorder. Just to make sure it doesn't interfere with other game releases.
I pre-order Mortal Online and played for about 7 minutes. And Dc universe Played about 7 characters in tutorial, and never past the safehouse. And like one of the gamers that posted ahead of me Brink, disappointed...