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  • Here's why: Giving you this sample In a nation of ultra conformists, he was a misfit who didn't even dream of college. If a child is lucky enough to find a rare card in a pack it may help them in the game or it can be used for profit. The Pokemon…
  • Pay to play are generally a lot better than Free to play, if the game is worth what you pay for it. And either way, most free to play games have a shop, or something similar, so a lot of developers still make a fair bit of money off it. Making it fr…
  • Mmorpg pvp kinda sucks, if u want skill then moba or fps is for u too bad wow went the way of okgz im so guuud i haz 12352361234546325152 keybindzz !!!111!1. Instead of making skills targetable where your actual skill would matter, Chronicles of Spe…
  • They are both strong and have thier own specialties as i can see.. Well the odds of winning between them is 50 50 why? Because when it comes to fire power and raw power Warmachine is the best,  while Ironman has power less than warmachine but when i…
  • personally i prefer chrome over firefox since searching things is much easier for me... but it seems that programs i use to download streaming videos is not compatible with chrome.
  • My first would be Atlantica online. I left after two months to try Aion...
  • Originally posted by mgilbrtsn The only game I can think of is Mount and Blade.  Its not an MMO, though it is rather fun. is this free to play? i mean free to download? been hearing a lot of this game from my friends