What is this? MMORPG.com you cant be serious about this article? There is NO point in wasting space in something so basic as a LFG tool? The mere reaction is rather "How can they be so...hypocritical?", and now try to manipulate the crowd into think…
This is probably one of the best articles on MMORPG.com´s history. This puts Bill M to shame for his shallow non-interessting interviews; this is how a proper interview should be done! Excellent and interessting questions that Raph could answer with…
Id prefer to play a game that suprises me, with inovative gameplay. Awesome graphics isnt awesome gameplay, just a polished pig. Meh, the good days are over, there wont be a new WoW, EQ or UO. The market has faded into oblivion.
This game gives me the hibbie-jibbies, and not in a good way. F2P model to start with is a horrible choice, other then that, not much is known.
No screens etc makes me think this game is a vaporware from the start. Please stop the hyping, the lads …
This is another example how bad a f2p game is. Played it a few times and Iam not impressed, at all. The hype around this game is again totally misplaced. The lack of quality is astounding, have they no quality assurement in these companies? Do the …
Weird editorial, what I dont get is why cant the dev´s use randomised terrain? Setup some parameters like monsters level, quest levels etc and let the computers do the building for em? Like Diablo, Cube World etc. If they want to make it truly dynam…
This is just so much fail, the game is utter crap (which Ive said since day one), the whole game is just dull. When the expansion came out I felt I had to give the game CPR or something, it was just so hearthbreaking.
Id ask kindly that mmorpg.com …
The game isnt easier, most games are just so repetative. The buttonmashing just isnt enough these days, how about actually making quests tricky, making people read the q´s for once?
I assume mmorpg.com for once will do their job and follow this game accordingly. This is one unique chain of events that no other game has gone through.
Or do they have to buy the publicity?
Its to early to hype yet, might be as crappy as defiance as far as we know. Gameplay vids like this says nothing about the game anyway, looks entirely scripted so keeping my breath so far.
Naturally it requires a band of swedes to actually make som…
Curse the F2P model and all that supports it. The gaming audience accepts these lame games and just fall onto their traps. innovation has been replaced by clones, caring communites has been replaced by animalistic pre-teen hordes of festering, canni…
Originally posted by Kumapon
Originally posted by blohm86 Originally posted by Kumapon Originally posted by blohm86 I cant figure out why people are hyped about this game, it adds NOTHING new to the genre, its just another…
This F2P with ork boys is quite a hilarius take on a absurd concept. Now this is the DEFINITION on P2W; 5 ork boys vs 1 Space marine... Why does developer after developer destroy this wonderful IP with horrible ideas like this? Are GW just greedy or…