Wowsers. Reading the article and checking out those screenshots definitely makes me want to get a hustle on and get down into the depths. Hopefully I'll get up to Moria by 2025!
I remember hopping into Neocron in the beta days. It was the first MMO game I'd ever encountered and I was amazed. Being able to play with more than the handful of players you would encounter in a game like Doom or Quake was mind-bending. What was t…
Elvoc said:
This is a cute little MMO, I actually bought a founders pack but I am really hating the UI and controls, If you are a Keyboard and mouse fan then you are not going to like this game, plays fine with a controller, seems like you can…
SlyLoK said:
I'm going to wait for details before getting hyped.
I really hope it is about middle Earth and not the ring or fellowship this time.
Yeah, I like that idea.
Wouldn't have picked that in a million years. I did see an interview once where he was talking about playing WoW, and he seemed quite passionate about that, I'd imagine he's been active in all types of games. Be interesting to see how it turns out
I can't get enough of the Avenger's Shield ability on my Paladin (World of Warcraft).
Seeing it bounce off enemies (plus that clanging sound effect!) and return... Captain America bliss.
Seelinnikoi said:
Best AH I have seen is from Rift.
You place any quantity of a certain item in there, and people buy from it, depleting your stack number.
If you put 100 of cloth, then one person can go there and buy 3, another …
Can't say I spent too much time reading the quest text in the past. But I've been recording a couple videos on World of Warcraft lately and absolutely love reading the text these days.