Is it true that Rogue is confirmed as being one of the next female heroines to come in the future? (not counting Squirrel Girl who is comming really soon)
She was the second most voted,only lost to Psylocke.She is really popular and she is not on…
Are there any Marvel heroes that would be way too hard to make and become playable in the game or every heroe is "doable" enough to become a playable characters on Marvel Heroes in the future?
Hello David, first of all ,thank you so very much for the atention to the fans of this amazing MMO Marvel game!
I'm a huge Marvel fan,and im one of those players that loves to play with their favorite character,and since it's Marvel we are talking …
Rogue has always been my favourite.Will be like a dream come true to play as her in a MMO ,a game that dosent have a end!
I just need to touch you to destroy you.My power is your power, and I can take more than one!