Nyctelios said:
Setzer said:
I have the first game and probably restarted the game a dozen times changing my character. Never made it past the first town you come across. The constant updates to tweak balancing of classes I was play…
Po_gg said:
Forum, I'm pretty sure that was about Anzu (Jimbob, if you remember Sapience from LotRO, Anzu is a similar quality of a forum moderator)
I do indeed remember Sapience / Rick ... unfortunately.
I have tried ESO, actually from launch I gave it a go, subbed for a while, could never get "into" the game. The content of the quests themselves lack depth, and the storyline also is wishy-washy. The immersion is not there for me for ESO.
I have …
Brald_Ironheart said:
@SEANMCAD - A dangerous world requires more cooperation than a safe one. If the game is set in a medieval fantasy world, for example, it would make sense for the world to be pretty dangerous. Medieval times on earth were…
I find GW2 to be too Asian, just don't care for the style. Never could "get into" the world. Immersion factor was never there for me.
Spent seven years with LOTRO (save for a year, back and forth with SWTOR), am now without a MMO for the first tim…
I played ESO at launch, but not long after, left the game. Have not been back since, but am now think of re-subbing. What is this about "Chapters" ? Does this potentially impact my sub fee ? Curious ...
This made me laugh --> MMOs and the term "dungeon crawl" ... why don't you all do yourselves a favour, strap on a pair, and load up Wizardry IV. Then thou shalt find out what a REAL dungeon crawl is.