Why is this even news? Magic the Gathering Online, released in 2002, already is a digital CCG card with real world value to it. They mentioned MTG Arena, yet conveniently left out MTG:O which already accomplished everything this new CCG is trying to…
blueturtle13 said:
When I visited Riot in LA a couple of years ago they showed off a few game concepts that they had been toying with. Shared world multiplayer RPG was one of them. With their financials they could most certainly afford it. Yet…
Renoaku said:
If I had have known "MOBA" "Battle Royale" would have became so big maybe I should have created the concept over 15+ years ago just so I could have been rich by companies stealing patents .
And yeah PUBG was the first game t…
truewarlord said:
Wait, I was told that there will be a new fresh start server for 4.0 launch, pretty sure I even saw a forum post about it. What is going on?
Fresh Start coming in Q1 2018, no exact date yet.
Samhael said:
"Well, we'd all hoped for an MMO, or at least a great sci-fi or high-fantasy multiplayer game, but EA and Nexon had other ideas."
This is not true at all. Most of the "we" stuff I was reading was people hoping that it woul…
Dragnelus said:
Maybe f2p with cashshop?
Buy Ronaldo for €10,-?
Fifa Online 3 is a F2P game with cash shop and was released in 2012. Expect the P2W aspect in FO4 to be stronger than in FO3 as P2W is so much worse than it was b…
The greatest hero in MMO should be Sergeant Slate from EQ1, for the number of times he killed evil aligned players in East Common Tunnels. Love those days where you pull him to the tunnels and let him run wild with the evil players AFKing there!
DAOWAce said:
You'd think they would've learned from SE's separate retail/steam FFXIV accounts.. nope.
Imbeciles at Daum (Kakao now), continuing to prove their absolute ineptitude.
Its steam who dont allow them to do tha…
Anyone knows if there will be new server opening for this game? I would try it out if there's new servers, but if its just the old servers then there's no point in playing it.
Im already playing the CBT, recorded some videos and gonna start a youtube channel in the next few days to upload my MXM gameplay vids. If I get a founder's pack, i'll probably use it as a giveaway to promote my channel and Master x Master.