Honestly the genre will never be the same. Competition & Dev costs have driven companies to create mass market games... the mass market gamers would never have played the old school MMOs. Lineage 2 was the last MMO that I really enjoyed... tried…
Originally posted by Nimmon To be honest, I can't find a reason to use overkill. The FMG9 akimbo is powerful enough the be a primary already. I end up using it more than my G36 or ACR half of the time. It's also really hard to not use Assassin in my…
While I agree with you in large part a lot of people want in the beta to get an "edge" on the rest of the population on release. The industry has taken notice and is using beta phases to promote games as much as gamers are using them to play instead…
Ha.....I feel ya. Although I did notice that quite a few things had changed for the better.......maybe someone will have something else to contribute thats worthwhile besides fanboi banter.
I played early beta to a little while after release and I liked the game but server pop and bugs just ruined it for me....I had huge hopes for Vangaurd.
I am going to jump back in tonight hopefully and I hope it really is better. I have a 30 Cleri…
The best upcoming are Age of Conan, Warhammer, Spellborn, and Darkfall (vaporware).
Age of Conan edges out Spellborn and Warhammer both in my book for several reasons including, guild mechanics and features, siege mechanics and features, the dark …
Don't buy vista yet unless your rig is almost exclusively for gaming and all of the games you want to play are brand new......there are appearently a ton of vista fanbois running around here commenting on my blog about how awesome Vista is.....trust…
Here's the deal...there are a ton of things that vista can do that Xp can't. DirectX10 being the big one obviously. Just because a system can't run direct x 10 or anything else doesnt mean it can't run the game. For example games that run certain pi…
Well there is no doubt that attitudes haven't changed over there at Microsoft...I guess we will see if the gamers line up like lemmings to buy the "Halo 2 Package Bundled With Windows Vista" for about $250....personally I'm looking at Crysis and Qua…
I meant both but yeah they announced Halo 2 as a Vista exclusive....I am positive Halo 3 will be as well....edited the post to try and be more clear...thanks
While I agree that we play for bragging rights in part it's because it makes it more fun for us. Our guild doesn't go around jacking people up for no reason but we do have a lot of fun seeing asshats get what they deserve. So yeah we do play for fu…
If you enjoy gaming then buy a PC..........Apple is reaping what it has sown with it's proprietary eliteist attitude....I have worked for a more than one game development company that did business with Apple and if you had any idea how they treat de…
Vanguard after the server merge is said to have improved but who the hell knows.........I have yet to relogin and check it out although I have been paying the monthly since release......I guess I just feel sorry for Brad...poor lil fella.
UO was the original and I loved it then....still have huge original manual that came with release......I checked out the specs for the expansion but honestly nothing could bring me back at this point...great game in it's prime but that time is long …