Pay a sub for a 13 year old game yeah right, should be free. Wow is the king of rehashing old content wrapping it up as something new. From someone who played a month after launch and years after, nty. Most of the changes were for the better I defin…
Cartoons are cartoons no matter how long it lasts. With great graphics cards out these days I'd rather get the performance I payed for. When mmo's look like as well as rpg's be money well spent. BDO looks great but still has performance issues. Best…
"Phoenix Labs is the Rebirth of Great Gaming Experiences" Looks like a Everquest Next model recycle to me. Sorry to be a negative Nancy, but it seems like doe eyed Disney cartoons is all NA have to offer new, nty.
For a fun grind I like Marvel Heroes for feeling heroic and the loot. For a rewarding combat grind Tera. The timing for combos and an actual real dodge mechanic & BAMs to test your mettle. BDO for a productive grind for progression.
Nostalgic or vanilla to me feels like I'm stuck in a rut. Don't want to play the same crap another 10 yrs so I'm riding the gaming wave waiting for mmo graphics to catch up to rpg's. Enjoying BDO, Swtor & Marvel until the ME Andromeda launch. 40…
BillMurphy said:
Gonna test out the Archer soon!
Same, looking forward to the changes & long overdue, was such a chore to level solo. I liked everything else about the class, cool! Hopefully the Lancer & Warrior will get s…
Kajidourden said:
I really don't have any issues with ESO's combat. The animations I will say are underwhelming....but functionally combat is great. I REALLY don't get the complaint about speed when there's no CD on anything period. You can…
I agree, I like everything else about ESO music, graphics, but combat animations puts me off. AOC had the same geriatric animations. Mostly those sliding ice skating feet is quite common with NA mmos, so bad. GW2 is fluid but the body positions are …
It's a matter of preference, Age of Conan still looks amazing to me despite it's age. WoW was a cartoon when I played it 2k4 it's still a cartoon today. Clay looking painted on armor, hands that look like clubs or inside a horses neck hanging on to …
Vindictus: Evie
Scythe wielding melee or staff caster, summoned golems and engineer type items. Great combat and outstanding animations never played anything like it to date.
Vesavius said:
Community is key. Game hopping is a downward spiral in MMORPGs... The more you jump around, the less invested in the community of each game, which leads to less connection with the game, which leads to more game hopping. These g…
Sorry to hear that. One of the reasons why I don't just devote myself to one game, not to say you do. BDO works the best for me when I'm home with rl things to do. I like the idea of getting some things done in game while doing chores at home. I can…
I like a variety of classes healer class included. I like topping someone off or tossing them a shield. What never made sense to me (even though it's such a popular combat model) is tank taunt mechanics. I liked tanking but one class that holds a mo…