How much is 12,00? I am a little confused here is the quote
"We've had 12,00 downloads so far," said Shayne, repeating the number in awe, "12,00. That's about twelve times what we expected."
maybe i do not understand the number cause Im not an…
I will add my self to the list 3x
3 computers no problems running CoX
I am not a fanboi and i do have problems with CoX but they are not performance issues. They are minor
Might i suggest using the search function. I would also encourage you to use the game list tab. start there narrow down what looks good for you then do a lil research. when you have boiled it down to 2 or 3 choices then ask again. Some times you can…
LoL i8 will not affect pvp at all. Most of the rewards are mostly looks. The wings (although cool) are just costume pieces and do not give you powers. In addition this game does not force you to PVP so whoever said that is wrong. Oh and wings are no…