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  • This is a bad system, and probably breaking international law.  This system will make international money laundering easy while Blizzard is taking a cut of it,   Imagine someone buying a cheap in-game item for  million $$ real-world money, and tur…
  • Freeloaders will decide which P2W is good and which to avoid.  I always find it funny that certain sub proponents love to thumb nose at freeloaders, and yet they hate being nickeled and dimed by game companies.  In my opinion, the moment you accept …
  • One more thing if you're starting new on NA Mabi: DO NOT pick Alexina server.  It's the laggiest server and may be the reason why Mabinogi is getting such a low rating. It is a great game, but sadly, it's hosted by a failure called Nexon.
  • The only things that cost me to play are pets (for storage and mount), and they're permanent so worth every penny. The rebirth system is the other thing, but there is free rebirth for every character at age 20, so start your character at age 17 an…
  • Originally posted by AlysenMinase Mabinogi. It is a unique game that's not for everyone. Even though it's F2P, I got the sub option since there is a lack of good P2P sandboxes. lol +1 for Mabinogi.  It's one of oldest running F2P's (up there wi…
  • Originally posted by WSIMike I have other issues with them as well, such as how immersion-breaking it is to go up to a NPC that clearly has a quest, only to be told "You must purchase this content. Click Here To Go To Our Shop!" Why even indicate…
  • Item cash shops sell items and in some games those items are tradeable in-game to balance out between have's and have-nots. Purchaseble content and expansion packs have new maps, quests, storylines and lots, lots more IN ADDITION TO new items, how…
  • Selling content (expansions, storylines, quests, lvl cap unlocks etc.) for a pve game is same as selling powerful gears in a pvp game. Selling items (tools to use in-game in a sense) and leave content/expansions free to all players are the way to …
  • Not for profit MMO = F2P with totally voluntary donation. Everything else is just sham and scam. Yeah, as a player I'm all for it.
  • It's a game with next generation "features", not necessarily a next gen mmorpg itself. DevCAT always adds new features in pieces to test the water and to prepare for something bigger.  Wait for Mabinogi 2 (=vindictus + mabinogi), that game will be…
  • Lol.... how time has changed.  B2P and F2P's used to be bashed at this site, now it's "nothing wrong with sub based mmo's".  Alternative-payment opponents are now on the defensive. No, there is nothing wrong with sub-based games.  But there is som…
  • I dare OP and other like-mind haters to find competent lawyers to challenge this "free-to-play" advertising scheme.  If there is anything wrong with this term, greedy lawyers would be like sharks all over it by now.  Do you see any lawyer taking up …
  • In the older days RPG was never about Pvp, it's strictly PvE.  Pvp was only added as an afterthought to keep highest-leveled players busy while new content is being created.  Realizing this will help you understand the core of this gap problem. Ga…
  • Originally posted by Raventree Free to Play model It takes 90 hours of grinding to obtain this awesome gear.  Want to bypass that?  Cough up some cash at the equipment shop!  Say, that is working pretty well for us.  Let's make MORE gear that take…
  • When is the last time you saw a mmo developer pays any attention to AI in NPC's and mobs? So this is a very good trend.  If they focus on NPC henchmen development now, it won't be long before they'll put that work to develop better mob AI, hence m…
  • My best F2P experience is Mabinogi, $45 spent in that game lasts me more than 18 months and is still going strong. My best P2P experience? Well, if my best F2P experience is so great, why would I bother with a P2P? Currently waiting for Koei's U…
  • Year is 2056, with the encroachment of P2P (paid-to-play, as pay-to-play had gone extinct long, long ago), Ms. Jimena S. decided to write an article titled "The Future is Now, Again".   Then there will be many folks defending F2P with cash shops…
  • Originally posted by Daywolf. But then in time ...well they will be demanding the game companies to pay them for playing. There goes the only original sentence in your post.  Paid-to-play, yeah, that's so gonna be that ban of all F2P's. Hmm…
  • Originally posted by d0dulk0 Originally posted by gamerman98   Originally posted by Banquetto Not sure what justifies yet another thread here.   Sounds like your idea of a great F2P game is one where there is no reason t…
  • WoW has 11 million subscribers.  But Facebook F2P item-mall games have 100+ million players.  Before Farmville, people thought subscription model is the mainstream.  Not anymore since last year, when people realize there is a far bigger market out t…