College for Electrical Engineering, go on dates, play alot of games, hopefully a normal life.
Age of Conan, AoC, Legion of Steel, Warhammer, WAR, Warhammer, Online
I saw a site called PurePVP that talks about Warhammer character builds. I haven't seen a site like that out yet where it just purely talks about character builds of every type, seems like it's all they talk about there. Build this, build that lol.
Depends on what you really want to play, there are several methods of playstyle imo. I've been contemplating on playing a Black Orc with a Disruption style pvp build (like the build here) due to it's ability to disrupt people with knockbacks or knoc…
I don't mind not having an official forum for Warhammer. There's plenty of fansites out there to chat on, and not to mention the guild I'm in has plenty of talk about the game to pass time until release.
I agree 100%. It's one of the factors besides of that of the gameplay that changed me from AoC to WAR. I'm not saying that AoC will be a bad game or anything, but WAR just seems.. "more fun".. in the long run.
I don't mind loot degradation if your toon dies. Corpse runs.. I don't really mind either, just as long as it doesn't take 30 minutes to reach it. If it takes.. 5 minutes.. sure that's not bad.
AoC Guild
I would rather stick with EQ2 then EVE. Although, EVE gets pretty old after a while.. at least it did to me. EQ2 I didn't really like the gameplay.. but if I had to chooes between the 2 of them.. EQ2.
Legion of Steel - AoC Guild
Well, I've played WoW for a while now.. it's getting a bit old at high levels. It's not a bad game I would say, but WAR has more that I'm looking forward to since it appears that you still have options at high levels so you won't get bored. Although…
Well the one that stands out for me was the original EQ. It was a good game that allowed a person (at least when i played) to basically choose their own path as they progressed in levels. There wasn't any mandatory quests that I can recall.
The upc…
The only real game I RP'd in was the original EQ. Other then that, I haven't RP'd much. Well, I'm not much of an RP'er to begin with. But it was fun the little time I did do it.
From my understanding, is that there are going to be large battles consisting of both PC's and the NPC's who are controlled by the PC's. It's true though, the AoC will have the most gore probably then any other mmorpg to date which gives it the "M" …