EQ1 was my first graphic MMO. Came out of MUSH/MUD with a computer without a lot of memory. Somehow I muddled by. The first "OMG cool" thing was walking my newborn Dark elf out of the city and into the forest.... and seeing a rainstorm at night...wi…
I agree I feel similarly. Many of the games seem as a 'same ol song and dance' . However some of this is from us and not the games. Think about it, if AoC came out in 1999 instead ...we would have thought it was the most amazing game ever. Our stand…
NOt a bad idea. UNfortunatly in PvP there is usually a far smaller number of targets compared to PVE. Also you often dont live past the 2 or 3 if your a melee DPS.
I believe I read a preview that DCUO has something like this (kill streak). NO…
While it is well documented (over the previous 9 posts) that the Mythic devs now are not the mythic devs back then.
Where are the original Mythic devs? What did they move on to?
I think many games are moving away from 'forcing' you to group. While you may feel this takes away from the community feeling of a game...only a few years ago we were all complaining about hours wasted standing outside an instance waiting/calling/p…
Coke took off because of an advertising campaign that is historic in scope.
Before this advertising campaign, Santa Clause was rarely pitctured in a red suit. He was primarily depicted wearing a green or black suit. Coke chose to show him in …
While only a cartoon, it hits the nail on the head.
Exactly how easy do we want our games to be? While many tout the benifits of bringing in more casual players to the MMO market ..the cost is equally high as we lose any sense of accomplishment wi…
Over the last 3 years we have complained about the mega-hype machine. While there is something to be said regarding too little hype. I find it a refreshing change
If the trend towards F2P continues, you very well may see this amount of 'bouncing' between titles. At the moment there is less immersion in most games that you dont become personally 'invested' into your character. The only reason boiuncing betwen …
PLayer housing can be considered 'end game' content. Something your character can do after leveling is done. Basically trophy collect and even revisit newbie zones to some rare item.
Housing is not implimented in MMOs as much as it should be in my…
I agree that an expansion cannot be compared to a full game release.
Blizzard has a fine expansion. HOwever, If you are burning out or tired of WoW, you will continue to do so in Cataclysm.
The upcoming 2011 (with highly anticipated games like GW2, Rift, SW:TOR) reminds me of the 2008 season (with highly anticipated games like WAR and AoC).
Question is will history repeat itself. I pray it doesnt. But even I know many of these upcom…
The upcoming 2011 (with highly anticipated games like GW2, Rift, SW:TOR) reminds me of the 2008 season (with highly anticipated games like WAR and AoC).
Question is will history repeat itself. I pray it doesnt. But even I know many of these upcom…