lotrlore said:
Slapshot1188 said:
IceAge said:
Slapshot1188 said:
IceAge said:
I mean, it will soon be 48 hours and you are yet to write an article about literally, the most waited game of 2023.
But hey, yo…
The combat system and atmosphere in dcuo was great, I loved the voice acting, feel, but the game has severe content issues. Meaningless, no reward open-world combat, exploits(1 shot gun class), gear grind felt tedious etc. I hope any marvel MMOrpg w…
There were too many fanbois defending the shitty state the game was in alpha/beta the lack of content, polish, terrible designs, imbalance of classes, terrible bloom affect on all abilities, ect ect but those same people quit because no one wants to…
I to think it should be 8-10 skills as well. I just want a good darkfall like mmorpg that improved upon what DFO did and move the genre forward...instead we keep getting half-finished shit, MO2, New world ect ect.
Darkfall online hands down...you can't beat fps combat.
Next would be Age of Conan with their combo system; ruined to tab targeting never missing magic classes...idiots.
I'd rather them delay the game and have an open beta for 6 months while adding content ,balancing, fixing the bugs and letting us test the parts of the game they haven't shown yet. The most fun aspect of the game was gathering resources in the world…
hupa said:
"open PvP, full loot sandbox MMORPG"
Too bad, it sounded otherwise interesting.
You have new world that your kind ruined go play that and leave this game alone. Its looks very promising and really the only mmorpg …
Game is Nowhere near ready for launch but all the fanbois in-game will proverbially lynch you if you bring up delaying launch. Broken and overpowered weapons(Life staff and Greataxe is a either use it or lose meta), bugs everywhere that cripple the …
Of course, players are going to be jaded when we were shown in most cases better versions of the genre years ago(mind you it did advance in some areas too, like action/fps combat and graphics) and we get new features or content touted as revolutiona…
The site is much better than it use to be. The Mods were blatant shills that would ban you if you spoke negatively of their game they were playing at that time. I think really only the true mmorpg fans are left on this site while all the casuals qui…
Those two games were ultra-casual to begin with and had buzzwords to try and spin why their lack of content, features, and actual genre innovative changes weren't added in. They skipped on most of the content so it became a chore to level and end ga…
I am hoping they make diplomacy better, add 10+ multiplayer hosted games, add more content/features like treasure hunting and more in-depth mechanics. Yes I understand that in its essence total war games are about fighting but I'd like more to it.
The ones that have semi-complete loops are so boring and uninspiring too; like Crowfall or star citizen. For all their faults at least the suits pushed developers into quicker development cycles. Now it takes x2+ as long for the same low-quality con…