This game uses DirectX 9 which was released in 2002, if you want to test your specs use a modern DirectX 11 game like Crysis 2 or the about to be released Battlefield 3.
I can run this “demanding” game max settings on my 6 year old computer.
You seem to be forgetting Star Trek Online, EVE-Online and Jumpgate Evolution. Stargate is an extremely tough IP to pull off, same with Star Trek. I really don't know if either can pull it off successfully, I doubt they can, or if both will be anoth…
I played this game (Space Cowboy) up until it got canceled, and when that happened my account got erased as well.
I enjoyed playing the game and was very agrey and sad when it was canceled, but if this has happened 3 times before then I don't thin…
Well... it's just a fail since this so called "game" comes nowhere near epic... SmartCell created over 300 accounts in Jan 2008 rating this game 10/10 on the Hype-meter because it sucks so much it was their last hope. If you don't belie…
I'm surprised SmartCell, or anyone, would expect that a 2D or 2.5D, whatever the hell that is, engine is going to be competitive with major games like WoW or Warhammer. Honestly, mixing cheap mobile underpowered devices with the monstrous computer, …
The games dev's created about 300 dummy accounts in Jan 2008 and spammed the Hype-meter 10/10 for a higher rating. This game ain't going anywhere, they seem to think we're dumb but serously this game and company is pathetic. I can't help but go... W…
I have never heard of this game. I am a major game enthusiast so I know basically every game that has ever existed from the start of time. Ok no... thats way over-exaggerating, but still...
After looking at this game more closely I seriously have …
Carpet Bombing at lvl 5 is by far better than Sharpnel. Carpet Bombing at lvl 5 puts out 5 diffrent bombs that span a large amount of area and each does very high damage. Also, its a good idea to put points into Mind since Carpet Bombing and/or Shar…
Thank you for answering my ?, OH! btw, mabye you can consider me when closed-beta or mabye alpha? testing comes out. I'm just so excited i can barely hold my pants up!