These things are driving me nuts. Everytime I start to see a light at the end of the tunnel they stretch it out further.
Ok so I am on the final part. Or what I thought was the final part. I did the first droid chip leg. Had to go into skank tipper compound (Yay kill more skank tippers. give the 4 year old that wrote your content a raise SOE) and find a MSE droid. Seriously though no worries there. I saw it the first time I went in there. So easy to get. In and out in just a few minutes.
Then I had a really ripping quest to go to the Borvo vault and get the second droid chip. That one was fun. Coming around a corner and seeing a huge rancor. I nearly choked on my drink. Also fighting a double gold 29 elite aklay. Pity I soloed it. Shouldnt be able to do that. But killing droids was a nice chance from the constant "Kill mummer, borvo, valerian, etc" quests.
Now I am on the third chip. Went to Deeja Peak. He tells me he needs 3 items. Ok great. So I go talk to a second guy for the first item, a beacon. He tells me to go kill a bunch of pirates, then some maulers, then some shaupets. Now I get the beacon right? Nope gotta go talk to a lady to get it. I talk to her. So now I get the beacon right? Nope I have to kill stuff for her. Now I get it right? Nope she tried to plant it in hopes a beacon tree will grow. (Uh what?) So I go back to the second guy. He tells me to go talk to a 4th person. So now I get it right? Nope he wants me to go kill some stuff too. So now I get it right? Nope he tells me to return to the second guy. So I return to the second guy again. Now I get it right? Nope now I have to talk to a fifth person about a ring. So I go talk to the fifth person. Now I get the ring and in turn the beacon right? Nope now I gotta go kill stuff for him.
Normally I hate reading guides when doing quests. I like to figure things out on my own. Part of the fun. But I am so frustrated by all this crap that I took a peak. After I do the kill quest for the fifth guy, the second guy (the one to give me the beacon) tells me it was stolen while he was fixing it so I get to do another kill quest. Surprise surprise surprise.
How can anyone tell me content like this is interesting? I mean seriously. This is nuts. That stupid droid better be something special. Like make me a god or something once I get it back together. It aint worth all this.
Sounds like the quest is a bad attempt at humor and intended to screw with you a bit.
-- xpaladin
AC1/2, AO, DAoC, EQ1/2, SoR, SWG, UO, WAR, WoW
I am not a fan of the questline but getting the bonus xp each time really helps out and I find it better than just sitting somewhere camping mobs but everyone has their flavor
I'd rather do quests than stand around killing stuff for hours too.
Some parts of Legacy are cool but that's just my opinion.
I did my first NGE era character through the Legacy, didn't find it to be too bad as long as you get into the story and read what the NPC's are saying. On my second character (4th overall...) I did it for a few lines but it starts to wear a little thin the second time around. Luckily at this point they'd upped the XP rates, so I did it the old way with mass extermination of a planet. Overall, I got to 90 faster with that character then I did with the legacy/quest leveled character.
The Corellia and Talus sections of the Legacy I found to be the best though. Naboo I did find to get a little tedious, especially with the RSF computer thing.
If you do carry on with the legacy, my tip would be to go to Options, Misc and then tick "Show all object names." It'll help you find those boxes, etc that you sometimes need to collect on the various quests. Also, if you know the name of the object you need to find then you can use the "/tar <name of object>' command to target it to help you find it.
Something I had learned from doing them when looking for items is you will see a white square on your radar for where they are. It is rough when you are somewhere that has a ton(buildings with lots of beds or chairs or in a city with crafting stations) but it still helped me out.
Still if your just blasting past everything in it, it's not all that fun. Yes SOE did put a little too many kill X amount of NPC's/Mobs or click on X amount of crates, however that feels to just be on Tat and Naboo once you get past Naboo it becomes alot of fun.
It's kinda funny cuz SOE's strong point is when they do content they can do some great content for there games. A ton of the content in EQ2 has just gotten a good amount of reviews from players and reviewers. And SOE can do some great content with SWG if they start going with the 'vast' amount of Content that is out there for Star Wars.
Personally I like the Legacy but when it is over they do kind of leave you standing around going "what next?".
What ideas would make it better? Different types of quests, more space an/or non-linear? Would it ever make sense to have 3-4 Legacy quests to pick from when starting a new toon? Should there be more Legacy into the higher levels?
Just take out the repetition in some parts.
They put in the kill x amount of this or that so that it helps a player to level up more.
When starting a new character and doing Legacy I kill more than necessary just to gain more levels.
Well I just finished them myself and while doing the spiders, I was saying that I would never do them again but I kind of want more of the rewards.
"Suddenly, thousands of Trekies whose heads are full of facts of things like the stardate when the Cardassians farted on Deep Space nine are irrlelevant." - hardcoremoviecritic
If you want more of a challenge, you can skip the Naboo/RSF piece and go straight to Lt Jasper by the Cnet bank and start the Corsec leg of the quest. I did it this way, because for some reason the 24 fricking Naboo RSF badges you get irritate me and I did not want them on my new toon.
I did do my fair share of pure old school grinding on Dantooine to fill the xp gaps...
Altre Monserrat - MBH/MP
Aaden Monserrat - Elder Jedi
Starsider - <DFC> - Dark Force Clan