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Is the PC losing its mojo?

Of course the PC will never lose all of its "mojo", but do you guys think that it could perhaps get taken over as a primary gaming console in the future? With systems like xbox 360 and PS3 that perform much of what the computer offers to gaming at a much cheaper price, its hard to think that computer gaming has such a big future.

I think one of the main things that deter gamers from pc games is the constant NEED to upgrade your system in order to play the latest and greatest games on decent settings with decent framerates. Take Crysis for example, the game is amazing, but definitely caters to the computer gamers that are able to afford a computer that can run it. Of course its playable on the lower settings, but you don't nearly get the full experience from the game if you can't enjoy it in all its graphical glory.

I considered myself to be a PC gamer. I refused to buy a console for the console-exclusive games that I wanted to play and any other game I would just play the pc port of the game. Well... last week I caved in and bought an xbox 360. I must say, it is a much better gaming platform than the PC.. but that is my opinion of course. Also, its nice not having to worry about upgrading hardware and such. I hadn't really played any console shooters since Goldeneye so COD4 took awhile to get used to.. but with a bit of practice, it was just as natural as using a mouse and keyboard.

Perhaps we will even start to see more and more MMO games making debuts on consoles. 

Anyways, what do you guys think? perhaps the PC offers benefits that will never be able to be overshadowed by the console giants.. only the future will tell.

Here is the related article that sparked this discussion:

Life is a sexually transmitted disease and it is 100% fatal.



  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    I think PC's have always been in the shadow of the console counterparts. A game console is simply in much more people's budget.


  • n25phillyn25philly Member Posts: 1,317

    Apples to Oranges.  Notice that the consoles compete with each other but the PC never tries to complete with consoles.  There are simply games that work on PC's that really don't work on consoles and vice versa.  There will always be a PC market because it's cheaper to develop for.

    member of

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,195

    PC gaming will never die.  The reason is simple, Look to cell phones for the answer.

    Almost every household has a PC now.  Sure most of those PC's come with solitaire and Chess, and simple games like that, however... the PC is a multipurpose machine.  You use it every day for checking your e-mails, writing your papers, and commuting to work remotely.  The PC will never die, so PC gaming will never die.

    I brought up cell phones because a cell phone is a phone first, then a date planner next, and so forth with an option for games.  Cell phone games are increasing in popularity though, and it's not because they are great games, or because they're extremely fun. It's because they are convenient, and entertaining (mostly).

    Secondly, I've played Two Worlds on my PC and on an Xbox 360, and I must say, it looks MUCH better and gets MUCH better performance on my PC.  The PC will cost more, but, you're paying for not just a game machine, but everything in between.  You upgrade to play games as you need to upgrade, BUT, with the new parts coming out, and the prices dropping, and everything being more standardized, it rarely comes out to an extra 300 - 600 dollars every 4 years (the price of a new console).

    Lastly, I buy consoles, but I buy them for A. Games that I can't get on PC.  And B.  A different style of playability that I can't get on a PC.  That means, sure enough, the Wii.  I bought a Wii to have a multiplayer function, and play all the Nintendo exclusive games, because, really everything else comes to the PC anyway, and if not, you can always get an emulator for PS3 ports and the like.  You can't get the same kind of playability the Wii offers anywhere else. The rest, you can.


  • zoey121zoey121 Member Posts: 926

    i do think the industry is changing. I believe instead of an entire it department more companies will use businesses that do storage on site, and have end users log into their site and there site be resonpsible for information .

     We are changing to low end lap top users that basicaly want to just surf email some presentations , so it is going to create the new line of ebudget laptops portables, and machines that do bare mim.

     While it seems like console gaming is big now that will also depend on the games cranking out and if the games keep coming.

     But the industry is changing due to the fact the consoles are plug and go where as the pc requires maintence often and upgrading of parts. I do think basic users just do not want to spend that kind of $ any more.

  • SinizterSinizter Member Posts: 85

    Well, I don't doubt that the PC will ever die. Like mentioned before, there will always be purposes like checking email, writing papers, corresponding with family and friends, but what happens when all of these simple tasks become available through other means (cell phone, consoles, etc). That means that the only reason to have a computer capable of playing the latest video games... is, well, to play the latest video games (or video editing and stuff of that sort).. It would be so much easier to have a cheap computer that is more than capable of handling simple tasks like emails and writing papers and have a dedicated gaming machine (console). 

    Now the price argument is difficult to win. For the PC.. you need to upgrade your system every so often, but you don't NEED the best of the best to play the latest games. However, with the recent SLI technology, its tempting to buy two video cards now which could put a dent in your wallet..

    On the other hand, the console might be a one time cost that will last you a few years (except the cost of xbox live, perhiphals, etc) but if you don't already have an HDTV, you don't get to experience the games in all their glory and an HDTV could set you back a pretty penny.

    Life is a sexually transmitted disease and it is 100% fatal.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,195

    Originally posted by Sinizter

    Well, I don't doubt that the PC will ever die. Like mentioned before, there will always be purposes like checking email, writing papers, corresponding with family and friends, but what happens when all of these simple tasks become available through other means (cell phone, consoles, etc). That means that the only reason to have a computer capable of playing the latest video games... is, well, to play the latest video games (or video editing and stuff of that sort).. It would be so much easier to have a cheap computer that is more than capable of handling simple tasks like emails and writing papers and have a dedicated gaming machine (console). 
    Now the price argument is difficult to win. For the PC.. you need to upgrade your system every so often, but you don't NEED the best of the best to play the latest games. However, with the recent SLI technology, its tempting to buy two video cards now which could put a dent in your wallet..
    On the other hand, the console might be a one time cost that will last you a few years (except the cost of xbox live, perhiphals, etc) but if you don't already have an HDTV, you don't get to experience the games in all their glory and an HDTV could set you back a pretty penny.


    I think all in all the price comes out about the same when you weigh it down.  Games are also cheaper and drop in price faster on the PC, so it's about even. 

    Alot of people are using laptops now, but I'll tell you one thing, I work in a lot of offices, and over 50 percent of the machines running in the offices I work at, could easily run some of the newest games with the addition of a new video card. 

    People have a complete misconception about how much they need to spend to get a computer that can run these games.  you could have a more then decent system at 700 dollars if you spend your money well.  1000 - 1500 could get you a high end system,and really anything over 2000 just isn't worth it at this point.  Personally I think there will always be room for them both.

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    The problem is that a computer 700 ~ 800$ is not future proof. If you buy a Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 now, you won't have to worry about any upgrades whatsoever for  6 ~ 7 years.

    Heck, I bought a computer 2 years ago for 1200 euro's (even more in dollars). this was the average price for a computer like this and this computer is unable to run some PC games (such as Bioshock) currently avaible. I could buy an Xbox360 for less than half of that and it can easily run Bioshock.

    Pc's are just really, really expensive.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,195

    I'm saying right now I can purchase a 500 dollar PC, add 2 gigs of ram to whats already there for under 100 dollars and an Nvidia 8600 or higher for under 200 dollars and end up with a PC that will last me for years to come.

    I still have my single core 2.4 ghz pentium 4, with 1 gig of RAM and a Radeon 9600 Pro, and I can play TR just fine, as well as lots of other games (my GF uses it primarily though). I built that machine back in 2000.  It all depends on the users and how they take care of their PC's I guess.

  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183

    PC games give you the best that technology has to offer. You always have the option of having your games look and play as good as possible.

    A buy one...and you can't upgrade it, really. So the graphics you see today are the graphics you'll see three years from now.

    Yes, RIGHT NOW we have consoles that can play some PC games, and compete graphics-wise. But next year, these same consoles won't be able to compete. And there will BE no competition, until the next generation of consoles is released. And the cycle continues.

    Also....I see consoles trying to be more and more like PCs. USB support for KB and Mouse, for example. You don't see PCs trying to be more like consoles

    Besides...the XBOX series of consoles is just a little PC in a plastic box.


  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    Originally posted by Vendayn

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    The problem is that a computer 700 ~ 800$ is not future proof. If you buy a Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 now, you won't have to worry about any upgrades whatsoever for  6 ~ 7 years.
    Heck, I bought a computer 2 years ago for 1200 euro's (even more in dollars). this was the average price for a computer like this and this computer is unable to run some PC games (such as Bioshock) currently avaible. I could buy an Xbox360 for less than half of that and it can easily run Bioshock.
    Pc's are just really, really expensive.
    My computer can do anything the new generation consoles can do. But I'm lucky that my computer can do that, but with my PC I can  play better graphical games than a xbox360 or PS3 can.



    Now I might be wrong, but I don't think you can turn off other peoples voices when playing on xbox live (played it at a friends house). Through the whole game I heard every 2-3 minutes "FU" "PWNED U NOOB!" "HAHA NOOB!" "your momma is hot!" and a bunch of useless childish comments. My friend found it hilarious and wouldn't turn it off. This happened in a few games we played. Now on a PC I don't need to hear others peoples voices or what they are saying. Sure they can put stupid comments in chat, but at least I'm not actually hearing it. I don't even use vent or anything like that, even in mmorpgs, I don't need vent to do raids or pvp, I remember in Asheron's Call and Everquest people did just fine without them.


    Now for the part I highlighted, I never got that argument  you used. If I don't upgrade my console for 6-7 years the graphics will look really really sucky and PC games will have much better graphics by then. Although I probably would need to upgrade yeah, but PC will still have way better graphics than a 6 -7year old console.


    Because it will get to the point where games simply won't run on your computer anymore. Like I said, I bought a computer 2 years ago, and that same computer is unable to run Bioshock. It won't run Unreal Tournament 3 either. The Xbox360 came out that same year (2005) and can run Bioshock easily. The thing is that I paid more than twice as much for the PC.

    The difference between a PC and a console is that every Xbox360 or PS3 or Wii in the world has the exact same hardware and software. This means that developers won't have to make the game compatible with all kinds of graphic cards and drivers and instead can focus on getting the most out of the console. Compare the graphics of an early Xbox360 game to upcomming 360 games like Warhound and Alan Wake. A console also doesn't have to run an OS with all kinds of stuff you don't need as a gamer, like Windows Vista for example.


    And you can turn off voices in Xbox live, just like you can mute individual people if that is what you want.

  • paulscottpaulscott Member Posts: 5,613

    anybody can go into a compilier and make a game, a game for the console requires an expesive(by hobby standards) dev kit.

    I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.

  • frodusfrodus Member Posts: 2,396

    Someone put that percentage of sales pie or chart up

    Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.

  • KnivesOnlyKnivesOnly Member Posts: 401

    John Carmack said that the age of PC exclusives will be over soon because the Consoles are sooo dominate in the sales, Ubisoft said that PC's were only 6% of their sales which is nothing compared to the consoles. It's been coming though ever since Microsof launched the xbox and they want you to buy a Xbox and not a PC for gaming. Before the Xbox really PC's offered a totally different experience from console gaming and alot of PC exclusives or what would have been for the PC have been lost to the Xbox and the 360 since. Makes me sad that the only games us PC users seem to get these days are bad 360 ports or if we do get anything good we have to wait a year or two behind, by then noone cares.

    Consoles make money and PC's don't really for developers and thats really because...

    - Price

    - Learning curve

    - More cost effective and easier to develop for one single peice of hardware.

    - Not as convenient

    - Piracy

    I think the PC will still be supported by developers but we'll stop seeing exclusives for sure like we have been seeing the past few years. I also think however the PC will probably come even more of the centre for the mod communities, specially now from UT3 you can create mods for the PS3 on the PC and i see it'll be a trend in the future.

    PC gaming aint dying but it's not as good as it once was, i expect Crysis didn't really sell that well aswel, everyone i know downloaded the game from a torrent site. Crytek even though they love the PC, will probably be making a console port as we speak and Crytek have announced they're working on a PS3 exclusive....

    Also to note that places like in Japan the PC has died and it's just consoles, so they don't tend to support PC gamings aswel, so they get all these great games we don't anymore from Japan. In the stores in the UK (where i live) the PC used to have a massive section back in 2000-2004 but since it's been reduced to just one shelf in most stores near me with only the top 10 games there  and thats all.


  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183
    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by Vendayn

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    The problem is that a computer 700 ~ 800$ is not future proof. If you buy a Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 now, you won't have to worry about any upgrades whatsoever for  6 ~ 7 years.
    Heck, I bought a computer 2 years ago for 1200 euro's (even more in dollars). this was the average price for a computer like this and this computer is unable to run some PC games (such as Bioshock) currently avaible. I could buy an Xbox360 for less than half of that and it can easily run Bioshock.
    Pc's are just really, really expensive.
    My computer can do anything the new generation consoles can do. But I'm lucky that my computer can do that, but with my PC I can  play better graphical games than a xbox360 or PS3 can.



    Now I might be wrong, but I don't think you can turn off other peoples voices when playing on xbox live (played it at a friends house). Through the whole game I heard every 2-3 minutes "FU" "PWNED U NOOB!" "HAHA NOOB!" "your momma is hot!" and a bunch of useless childish comments. My friend found it hilarious and wouldn't turn it off. This happened in a few games we played. Now on a PC I don't need to hear others peoples voices or what they are saying. Sure they can put stupid comments in chat, but at least I'm not actually hearing it. I don't even use vent or anything like that, even in mmorpgs, I don't need vent to do raids or pvp, I remember in Asheron's Call and Everquest people did just fine without them.


    Now for the part I highlighted, I never got that argument  you used. If I don't upgrade my console for 6-7 years the graphics will look really really sucky and PC games will have much better graphics by then. Although I probably would need to upgrade yeah, but PC will still have way better graphics than a 6 -7year old console.


    Because it will get to the point where games simply won't run on your computer anymore. Like I said, I bought a computer 2 years ago, and that same computer is unable to run Bioshock. It won't run Unreal Tournament 3 either. The Xbox360 came out that same year (2005) and can run Bioshock easily. The thing is that I paid more than twice as much for the PC.


    The difference between a PC and a console is that every Xbox360 or PS3 or Wii in the world has the exact same hardware and software. This means that developers won't have to make the game compatible with all kinds of graphic cards and drivers and instead can focus on getting the most out of the console. Compare the graphicsof an early Xbox360 game to upcomming 360 games like Warhound and Alan Wake. A console also doesn't have to run an OS with all kinds of stuff you don't need as a gamer, like Windows Vista for example.


    And you can turn off voices in Xbox live, just like you can mute individual people if that is what you want.

    So you spend a small bit of cash on a video card or memory, and suddenly you're playing the newest games. You don't need to buy a whole new PC every few years.

    Something you also don't seem to realize is that console games are DEVELOPED on the PC. And each console has totally differant hardware inside that little plastic box.

    They all have an OS, you just don't notice it most of the time.


  • porgieporgie Member Posts: 1,516

    Consoles (generally) are purchased for use by kids or broke adults.

    People with fine jobs and the money to spend have no problem playing games on a PC.  I know that a console can run a game like Bioshock, but I guarantee you that my PC can run it looking tons better.  I am able to spend the money to buy a PC, so I get the extra horse-power and graphical looks!

    I also have no problem with the upgrades.  Why?  Because I can afford them.  And I actually find upgrading or even building a completely new computer pretty darn fun.


  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,195

    Originally posted by porgie

    Consoles (generally) are purchased for use by kids or broke adults.
    People with fine jobs and the money to spend have no problem playing games on a PC.  I know that a console can run a game like Bioshock, but I guarantee you that my PC can run it looking tons better.  I am able to spend the money to buy a PC, so I get the extra horse-power and graphical looks!
    I also have no problem with the upgrades.  Why?  Because I can afford them.  And I actually find upgrading or even building a completely new computer pretty darn fun.

    Not to mention Developers CREATE games specifically for consoles. Thats one of the reasons why the Xbox 360 can run BioShock.  Listen, you can spend tons of money on a computer and get squat, or , like me you could spend less money and get more.  My computer will, I am 100% assured, outlast my consoles.  In 4 years I can turn around and spend 300 dollars to update it if I wanted to, and increase my usage another 3-6 years, by that time, consoles will be gearing up for the next-gen, and everyone else will be handing out another 300 - 700 dollars for a new system. 

    Consoles are great, I've played them since the Atari days, and just recently (the past 6-8 years) got into PC games.The versatility will always be there, and some games you just can't play on consoles.  Consoles still have a long way to mature before they get to where PC gaming is today.

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    Originally posted by porgie

    Consoles (generally) are purchased for use by kids or broke adults.
    People with fine jobs and the money to spend have no problem playing games on a PC.  I know that a console can run a game like Bioshock, but I guarantee you that my PC can run it looking tons better.  I am able to spend the money to buy a PC, so I get the extra horse-power and graphical looks!
    I also have no problem with the upgrades.  Why?  Because I can afford them.  And I actually find upgrading or even building a completely new computer pretty darn fun.
    Excuse me, this is the year 2007, not 1990. consoles are now bought by adults mostly, there is a very good reason why such a huge part of console games are mature games.


    I have seen Bioshock maxed out on PC and Xbox360 and there difference was really small. Definitly not worth 1000 dollars of difference imo.

  • osc8rosc8r Member UncommonPosts: 688

    From my perspective - when my console can handle all my work requirements as well as a thousand or so other things that a console can only dream of doing - give me a call, then we can discuss which is better value for money.

    Remember the price of a PC usually includes a display - does a console?

    I bought a PC 2 years ago (which I recently replaced - tax deduction) that could still run almost any game in 1280x1024 at highest quality and still did every task I through at it, including all my banking/work/multimedia/editting/internet/storage etc needs.

    As for console gaming, meh...IMO it's a whole different kettle of fish. I usually rent consoles games as you can usually finish them or be done (read:bored) with them within a day - two if your lucky - whereas PC games can last me months (and years for MMO's).

    Unfortunately the whole gaming genre seems to be changing for the worst though, which includes PC games. I remember the days when games were extremely hard and some that I could never even complete, where as now days everything's straight forward, dumbed down and generally mind numbingly easy.

    So yes, I think PC's gaming is losing it's mojo to consoles, though hopefully MMO's will be PC's saving grace - at least until consoles come up with a decent replacement to their useless controllers, then we may be in real trouble.

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    Originally posted by Wharg0ul

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by Vendayn

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    The problem is that a computer 700 ~ 800$ is not future proof. If you buy a Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 now, you won't have to worry about any upgrades whatsoever for  6 ~ 7 years.
    Heck, I bought a computer 2 years ago for 1200 euro's (even more in dollars). this was the average price for a computer like this and this computer is unable to run some PC games (such as Bioshock) currently avaible. I could buy an Xbox360 for less than half of that and it can easily run Bioshock.
    Pc's are just really, really expensive.
    My computer can do anything the new generation consoles can do. But I'm lucky that my computer can do that, but with my PC I can  play better graphical games than a xbox360 or PS3 can.



    Now I might be wrong, but I don't think you can turn off other peoples voices when playing on xbox live (played it at a friends house). Through the whole game I heard every 2-3 minutes "FU" "PWNED U NOOB!" "HAHA NOOB!" "your momma is hot!" and a bunch of useless childish comments. My friend found it hilarious and wouldn't turn it off. This happened in a few games we played. Now on a PC I don't need to hear others peoples voices or what they are saying. Sure they can put stupid comments in chat, but at least I'm not actually hearing it. I don't even use vent or anything like that, even in mmorpgs, I don't need vent to do raids or pvp, I remember in Asheron's Call and Everquest people did just fine without them.


    Now for the part I highlighted, I never got that argument  you used. If I don't upgrade my console for 6-7 years the graphics will look really really sucky and PC games will have much better graphics by then. Although I probably would need to upgrade yeah, but PC will still have way better graphics than a 6 -7year old console.


    Because it will get to the point where games simply won't run on your computer anymore. Like I said, I bought a computer 2 years ago, and that same computer is unable to run Bioshock. It won't run Unreal Tournament 3 either. The Xbox360 came out that same year (2005) and can run Bioshock easily. The thing is that I paid more than twice as much for the PC.


    The difference between a PC and a console is that every Xbox360 or PS3 or Wii in the world has the exact same hardware and software. This means that developers won't have to make the game compatible with all kinds of graphic cards and drivers and instead can focus on getting the most out of the console. Compare the graphicsof an early Xbox360 game to upcomming 360 games like Warhound and Alan Wake. A console also doesn't have to run an OS with all kinds of stuff you don't need as a gamer, like Windows Vista for example.


    And you can turn off voices in Xbox live, just like you can mute individual people if that is what you want.

    So you spend a small bit of cash on a video card or memory, and suddenly you're playing the newest games. You don't need to buy a whole new PC every few years.

    Something you also don't seem to realize is that console games are DEVELOPED on the PC. And each console has totally differant hardware inside that little plastic box.

    They all have an OS, you just don't notice it most of the time.


    I spend over 1200$ on a PC 2 years ago. and now I should spend another 100$ ~ 200$ just to play the games of today? Why should I do that when I can pick up an Xbox360 for 350$ that can run most of todays games?

    And every console is exactly the same, they all have the exact same hardware.

    They also have an OS, but a much more simple one, one without all the bells and whistles you don't need.

  • osc8rosc8r Member UncommonPosts: 688


    Originally posted by Gameloading

    I spend over 1200$ on a PC 2 years ago. and now I should spend another 100$ ~ 200$ just to play the games of today? Why should I do that when I can pick up an Xbox360 for 350$ that can run most of todays games?

    And every console is exactly the same, they all have the exact same hardware.
    They also have an OS, but a much more simple one, one without all the bells and whistles you don't need.

    If all you plan on doing with your PC is simply playing games and not much else, then yeah - maybe a console would suit you better, at least in terms of $'s.

    For my situation, I know my PC is WAY WAY WAY better value than any console, mainly because it get's used 100x more and does 1000x more things, it can also play a lot more of the TYPES of games I enjoy, not to mention it also has keyboard and mouse :P (that's just for starters).

    Also, if you take into consideration the cost of my TV which my 360 is currently hooked up to, even the currently top of the line PC with dual 8800 ultra's and a 30" monitor would still be half the price.

  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183


    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by Wharg0ul

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by Vendayn

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    The problem is that a computer 700 ~ 800$ is not future proof. If you buy a Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 now, you won't have to worry about any upgrades whatsoever for  6 ~ 7 years.
    Heck, I bought a computer 2 years ago for 1200 euro's (even more in dollars). this was the average price for a computer like this and this computer is unable to run some PC games (such as Bioshock) currently avaible. I could buy an Xbox360 for less than half of that and it can easily run Bioshock.
    Pc's are just really, really expensive.
    My computer can do anything the new generation consoles can do. But I'm lucky that my computer can do that, but with my PC I can  play better graphical games than a xbox360 or PS3 can.



    Now I might be wrong, but I don't think you can turn off other peoples voices when playing on xbox live (played it at a friends house). Through the whole game I heard every 2-3 minutes "FU" "PWNED U NOOB!" "HAHA NOOB!" "your momma is hot!" and a bunch of useless childish comments. My friend found it hilarious and wouldn't turn it off. This happened in a few games we played. Now on a PC I don't need to hear others peoples voices or what they are saying. Sure they can put stupid comments in chat, but at least I'm not actually hearing it. I don't even use vent or anything like that, even in mmorpgs, I don't need vent to do raids or pvp, I remember in Asheron's Call and Everquest people did just fine without them.


    Now for the part I highlighted, I never got that argument  you used. If I don't upgrade my console for 6-7 years the graphics will look really really sucky and PC games will have much better graphics by then. Although I probably would need to upgrade yeah, but PC will still have way better graphics than a 6 -7year old console.


    Because it will get to the point where games simply won't run on your computer anymore. Like I said, I bought a computer 2 years ago, and that same computer is unable to run Bioshock. It won't run Unreal Tournament 3 either. The Xbox360 came out that same year (2005) and can run Bioshock easily. The thing is that I paid more than twice as much for the PC.


    The difference between a PC and a console is that every Xbox360 or PS3 or Wii in the world has the exact same hardware and software. This means that developers won't have to make the game compatible with all kinds of graphic cards and drivers and instead can focus on getting the most out of the console. Compare the graphicsof an early Xbox360 game to upcomming 360 games like Warhound and Alan Wake. A console also doesn't have to run an OS with all kinds of stuff you don't need as a gamer, like Windows Vista for example.


    And you can turn off voices in Xbox live, just like you can mute individual people if that is what you want.

    So you spend a small bit of cash on a video card or memory, and suddenly you're playing the newest games. You don't need to buy a whole new PC every few years.

    Something you also don't seem to realize is that console games are DEVELOPED on the PC. And each console has totally differant hardware inside that little plastic box.

    They all have an OS, you just don't notice it most of the time.



    I spend over 1200$ on a PC 2 years ago. and now I should spend another 100$ ~ 200$ just to play the games of today? Why should I do that when I can pick up an Xbox360 for 350$ that can run most of todays games?

    And every console is exactly the same, they all have the exact same hardware.

    They also have an OS, but a much more simple one, one without all the bells and whistles you don't need.

    First off, I'd rather spend $200 every three years than $300-700.


    Second off, allow me to educate you a bit on console hardware....just check out these links....all you have to do is compare one page to's not too tricky...

    WII Specs

    X-Box 360 Specs

    PS3 Specs

    I won't even bother to post the specs  for Nintendo DS, GBA,  etc.

    As you can see, in order for a multi-platform game to be made, it has to be developed on the PC, and then adapted to EACH console's architecture.

    For a PC game, one simply adds scalability to the graphics options, and you have a game that can be run on a large range of PCs.


  • kimmarkimmar Member Posts: 446

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by porgie

    Consoles (generally) are purchased for use by kids or broke adults.
    People with fine jobs and the money to spend have no problem playing games on a PC.  I know that a console can run a game like Bioshock, but I guarantee you that my PC can run it looking tons better.  I am able to spend the money to buy a PC, so I get the extra horse-power and graphical looks!
    I also have no problem with the upgrades.  Why?  Because I can afford them.  And I actually find upgrading or even building a completely new computer pretty darn fun.
    Excuse me, this is the year 2007, not 1990. consoles are now bought by adults mostly, there is a very good reason why such a huge part of console games are mature games.



    I have seen Bioshock maxed out on PC and Xbox360 and there difference was really small. Definitly not worth 1000 dollars of difference imo.

    Consoles have always been bought by adults.  Kids don't have the money to buy them plus the games that you need to go into them.

    The reason why a huge part of console games are mature is because most parents don't give a rats behind what their kids are subjected to anymore.  I see parents in the game stores buying games like Bioshock for their kids all the time.  The developers know this.  And the kids all think they're cool because they say "dirty words" in them.

    My boys say they see them at their friends houses all the time.  Those ratings don't mean anything to parents anymore. 

    It all seems so stupid
    It makes me want to give up
    But why should I give up
    When it all seems so stupid

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,195

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    I spend over 1200$ on a PC 2 years ago. and now I should spend another 100$ ~ 200$ just to play the games of today? Why should I do that when I can pick up an Xbox360 for 350$ that can run most of todays games?

    And every console is exactly the same, they all have the exact same hardware.
    They also have an OS, but a much more simple one, one without all the bells and whistles you don't need.

    I'm sorry you didn't buy a great PC, but regardless, NOT all consoles are the same.  Thats like saying all computers are the same.

    What if I were to tell you, that MY pc right now, can play any game that is on a console.  What if I were to say that it really can play ANY game on ANY console? 

    Truth be told, it's true, with emulation software my PC could BE an Xbox 360 or an N64, or a PS2 if I wanted it to.  You can more easily open up the flood gates to modifications on the PC you could never do on a console.  Now I'm not saying I've done that, or that anyone actually has. I will tell you that if you go looking for emulators for Xbox and PS and Nintendo, you'll find them.

    Now, you say XBOX 360 can play most of todays games, and thats true.  But what of the quality?  Have you seen a side by side comparison? I have, and if you saw it, you'd be surprised.  Now I'm not saying don't get a console, I'm just saying you get what you pay for.

  • CleffyIICleffyII Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,440

    In rescent years, the sale of PC Games has gone up and the sale of consoles have gone down with the exception of Hand-Helds.  The price of Console gaming has gone up so much rescently that the advantage of its low cost really isn't there.  Like the philosophy behind the PS3 and the 360 where all wrong for a console.  They attempted to create a PC system at a PC price, without all the functionality of the PC which has attributed to this lose of console sales in rescent years.  The only console designed right is the WII, and its sales definetly reflect this.


  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    Originally posted by Wharg0ul

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by Wharg0ul

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    Originally posted by Vendayn

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    The problem is that a computer 700 ~ 800$ is not future proof. If you buy a Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 now, you won't have to worry about any upgrades whatsoever for  6 ~ 7 years.
    Heck, I bought a computer 2 years ago for 1200 euro's (even more in dollars). this was the average price for a computer like this and this computer is unable to run some PC games (such as Bioshock) currently avaible. I could buy an Xbox360 for less than half of that and it can easily run Bioshock.
    Pc's are just really, really expensive.
    My computer can do anything the new generation consoles can do. But I'm lucky that my computer can do that, but with my PC I can  play better graphical games than a xbox360 or PS3 can.



    Now I might be wrong, but I don't think you can turn off other peoples voices when playing on xbox live (played it at a friends house). Through the whole game I heard every 2-3 minutes "FU" "PWNED U NOOB!" "HAHA NOOB!" "your momma is hot!" and a bunch of useless childish comments. My friend found it hilarious and wouldn't turn it off. This happened in a few games we played. Now on a PC I don't need to hear others peoples voices or what they are saying. Sure they can put stupid comments in chat, but at least I'm not actually hearing it. I don't even use vent or anything like that, even in mmorpgs, I don't need vent to do raids or pvp, I remember in Asheron's Call and Everquest people did just fine without them.


    Now for the part I highlighted, I never got that argument  you used. If I don't upgrade my console for 6-7 years the graphics will look really really sucky and PC games will have much better graphics by then. Although I probably would need to upgrade yeah, but PC will still have way better graphics than a 6 -7year old console.


    Because it will get to the point where games simply won't run on your computer anymore. Like I said, I bought a computer 2 years ago, and that same computer is unable to run Bioshock. It won't run Unreal Tournament 3 either. The Xbox360 came out that same year (2005) and can run Bioshock easily. The thing is that I paid more than twice as much for the PC.


    The difference between a PC and a console is that every Xbox360 or PS3 or Wii in the world has the exact same hardware and software. This means that developers won't have to make the game compatible with all kinds of graphic cards and drivers and instead can focus on getting the most out of the console. Compare the graphicsof an early Xbox360 game to upcomming 360 games like Warhound and Alan Wake. A console also doesn't have to run an OS with all kinds of stuff you don't need as a gamer, like Windows Vista for example.


    And you can turn off voices in Xbox live, just like you can mute individual people if that is what you want.

    So you spend a small bit of cash on a video card or memory, and suddenly you're playing the newest games. You don't need to buy a whole new PC every few years.

    Something you also don't seem to realize is that console games are DEVELOPED on the PC. And each console has totally differant hardware inside that little plastic box.

    They all have an OS, you just don't notice it most of the time.



    I spend over 1200$ on a PC 2 years ago. and now I should spend another 100$ ~ 200$ just to play the games of today? Why should I do that when I can pick up an Xbox360 for 350$ that can run most of todays games?

    And every console is exactly the same, they all have the exact same hardware.

    They also have an OS, but a much more simple one, one without all the bells and whistles you don't need.

    First off, I'd rather spend $200 every three years than $300-700.


    Second off, allow me to educate you a bit on console hardware....just check out these links....all you have to do is compare one page to's not too tricky...

    WII Specs

    X-Box 360 Specs

    PS3 Specs

    I won't even bother to post the specs  for Nintendo DS, GBA,  etc.

    As you can see, in order for a multi-platform game to be made, it has to be developed on the PC, and then adapted to EACH console's architecture.

    For a PC game, one simply adds scalability to the graphics options, and you have a game that can be run on a large range of PCs.

    Ah, thats where the problem is, simply a misunderstanding.

    My point was that every Xbox360 is the same as the next Xbox360, just like every PS3 is the same and every Wii is the same. I know very well that the consoles differ from each other.

    If you rather spend 200$ each year, cool, why would you spend 300$ ~ 700$ every three years though?

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