Those robots look more like slabs of meat imo. Anyways, this is funny, I usually hear people complain "it has too many rainbows". Then I proceed to laugh at those people cuz it has no rainbows.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Those robots look more like slabs of meat imo. Anyways, this is funny, I usually hear people complain "it has too many rainbows". Then I proceed to laugh at those people cuz it has no rainbows.
haHA! Their camouflage tricked you :O
Playing: Nada. Played: WAR, LOTRO, EVE, WoW, EQ2, SWG, STO Waiting: TOR
anyways the teddybear hello kitty shiiiit. i wasn't thinking of that stuff. just a normal envirment. and when he uses spell or some shit it gets DARK BABY daaaaark!
Those robots look more like slabs of meat imo. Anyways, this is funny, I usually hear people complain "it has too many rainbows". Then I proceed to laugh at those people cuz it has no rainbows.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
haHA! Their camouflage tricked you :O
Playing: Nada.
Waiting: TOR
This forum really took off. niice ^^
anyways the teddybear hello kitty shiiiit. i wasn't thinking of that stuff. just a normal envirment. and when he uses spell or some shit it gets DARK BABY daaaaark!