Well if they want to keep subscriptions up, they had better get that console version out fast because it sure is not going to keep the MMO crowd interested much longer.
I Couldn't have put it better myself! Though you left out Funcom main intentions for AOC being a console MMO.
If it was intended to be a console MMORPG, they would have released the game on the Xbox first.
The game WAS designed for consoles. It's just that they decided to go with both, and used the PC players to beta test their game.
As for the comic, 10/10
__________________________________________________ In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
The raid boss made me laugh I must admit
I Couldn't have put it better myself! Though you left out Funcom main intentions for AOC being a console MMO.
ah well. nobody is perfect lol
nice try, but the kiddie speak does not really work. It reminds me of wow forums, and is not funny there either.
welcome to the mmo world where this kind of speech is a reality.
I can't think of any mmo that this doesn't fit into... they are all cookie cutter games, just pick your flavor..
yea good comic agree totally =]
It's funny 'cos it's true.
very true indeed
lol I liked that too
Hahaaa sweet comic
But ehm, so guys don't think the game was ready for a launch ? (I'm only level 42 so )
far from ready.
Funny stuff.
laughing so hard right now
so true and so funny.
All MMO's have grinds. If you don't like to Grind then MMO's are not for you.
The fanbois won't understand the references, well, because they're clueless fanbois
The fanboi edition.
Good one
thats a great one
go fanbois go! lol
This a good one lol
If it was intended to be a console MMORPG, they would have released the game on the Xbox first.
Great post!
Well if they want to keep subscriptions up, they had better get that console version out fast because it sure is not going to keep the MMO crowd interested much longer.
If it was intended to be a console MMORPG, they would have released the game on the Xbox first.
The game WAS designed for consoles. It's just that they decided to go with both, and used the PC players to beta test their game.
As for the comic, 10/10
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten