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Title pretty much says it all, two things it must be able to do is run Windows 7 32bit or 64 bit and run Lotro flawlessly while on maxed out DX 10 settings for a res of 1360 x 768.
Components I need.
GPUs (SLI or Crossfire if under budget)
RAM (LOTRO Eats ram so atleast 4gb)
CPU Cooler that FITS
Glad to see what any of you come up with. Thanks.
Since you don't need a motherboard, I'm assuming you already have one.
Which slot is it?
So we know what CPU to reccomend.
My bad, edited.
If your playing in 1300 rez it should be easy. I currently play @1920 with a ATI 4870 1 gig card and it works great. I'm also using Vista 32 bit and 3 gigs of ram and getting over 20-30 fps at max settings except for heavy traffic areas.
Oh I'm also thinking of trying Windows RC 7 and running in 64 bit mode. How does Lotro work when running windows 64 bit ?
Yeah the only reason I play at that res is because its the highest res my tv that I play on puts out, 32 inch lcd tv.
Lotro works fine in 64 bit Windows and it's pretty easy to max out lotro at 1360x768. Actually my buddy has a large 1360x768 tv/monitor that sounds similar to yours and I can tell you you'll see a huge improvement if you set some of that $1000 aside for a nice monitor instead of dumping it all into the PC, unless space is an issue and you don't want a monitor and a TV.
You don't need $1000 to run LOTRO at max settings in Windows 7. First Windows 7 is more optimized so you can run games ever better then with Vista. 2nd LOTRO isn't demanding and can be run at max settings using current mid-range components. Without OS, and monitor, What you are asking would run about $200~$300. Also if you wait around for Windows 7, this will get even cheaper.