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Diablo 3: Pretty Much the Worst of What Everyone Was Expecting



  • NightvergeNightverge Member Posts: 211

    Originally posted by ArEf

    Originally posted by FrodoFragins

    LOL at Torchlight 2.

    Steampunk with giant fonts is cool amirite?

    TL1 was a 1 week game at best.  TL2 may be a 3 week game until mods come out.

    Considering Torchlight cost like £15, I'd expect it to be a one week game.

    Steampunk with a consistent art style, a design team that seems to know what it's doing and a decent developer that's pushing back release to flesh out the game? Shit, sounds like Blizzard before they got taken over by Activision.

    Originally posted by Starpower

    So basically

    New = Bad

    The same, but improved = Good

    Gamers fear change

    Intelligent new improvements = Good.

    Random schizophrenic design choices for the sake of pushing the RMT store = Bad.

    Originally posted by will75

    I look foward to playing gw2, d3 seems to have a lot of people hating on it. Which means they have vested interest in POE and tl2.  have you actually seen any videos of TL2? Really? You're looking foward to that? 

    I think d3 has massive potential and they will easily be the hottest selling game of 2012. Even if GW2 is as amazing as it seems, different genre. But d3 will stand alone, doesn't mean i'll be playing it all that much when gw2 launches, but it'll be a fun month or 2 until it does.

    There has been so little seen and played with in beta, it's like saying you decided not to buy d2 because the demo runs of blood raven were boring and too easy.


    Torchlight 2 actually looks pretty good. It's not got the best graphics but it is, like Torchlight, a budget game with a consistent solid artstyle and fun-looking gameplay.

    Except I didn't talk about it being too easy, at all.

    Originally posted by DAS1337

    I disagree with nearly your entire post.

     That's nice.

    Latency issues are the least of your concerns.  For me, I have no seen any latency issues at all.  Blizzard will iron out the problems, it's BETA. 

     That's nice. Especially considering the fact that latency issues aren't a matter of client and programming, but about placement of servers. So, if Blizzard hasn't secured the required servers now... Then I doubt they will.

    Switching out abilities is really smart.  Part of it has to do with allowing people alternate playstyles for any situation.  Part of it has to do with balancing PvP.  If you could swap everything out instantly, then combat would most likely turn into a bunch of scripting, button mashing garbage.  Do remember that this is the first Diablo that is trying to produced a balanced PvP experience.  You may approach every situation the same, but I don't. 

     Switching out abilities is really smart except you can't do it in combat without gimping yourself so it isn't smart? And there's no PvP in the game, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

    Characters are very diverse.  So I agree completely again.  Also, we all know there will be an expansion with added characters to play.  This is not everything.


    Healing orbs are meant to take the focus off of chugging potions at hyper speed.  It's meant to put more focus on the combat itself and keep the flow of combat going without having to stop for town potion runs.  It's a good change.  I personally feel that the healing potion cooldown is too long, but that could be a quick change.  BETA.

     It doesn't work.

    Graphically, the game is leaps and bounds above Diablo 2 and any other RPG hack and slash title in the past.  That's also including the ones that will come out after it that all of the Diablo haters always have to mention in every Diablo post.  Not just graphics either, I'm talking about UI, animations, as well as the feel of the world. 


    Why even mention the controls?  In fact, they are better than previous Diablo's.  They've reduced the amount of clicking and button mashing with health globes and dragging between your targets with the holding of a mouse button.  Everything seems less clunky, and much smoother. 

     Except just no.

    This game is clearly still Diablo.  The only things that I really don't like are the RMT auction system (Though it happens regardless) and the exclusion of gathering runes.  But, at the same time.. one of my issues with the previous title was that it was too grindy.  I did not find it fun to do 100 Bhaal runs every day to get some good gear.  They have made a lot of changes to reduce the grind in that aspect. 

     Where's the Diablo in this game? The only connection to previous games is a very tenuous game background. New Tristram, Deckard Cain and... That's pretty much it so far.

    I like the blacksmith and hopefully the Mystic will make a reappearance in the future.  Those are interesting time sinks that were not present in previous titles.  I like the ability to customize your spells and abilities, another feature that was absent in previous titles.  I like how the game is displayed through AI and improved graphics.  I like the physics that are a huge improvement over previous titles.  They listened to the community and darkened the appearance of their game.  I feel that Diablo 3 offers so much more positive than negative.  None of the negatives are game-breakers in my opinion. 

     As soon as you start mentioning the physics, you've lost the argument.

    In the end, you will be dead wrong.  Diablo 3 is already going to be one of the best selling, if not THE best selling RPG this year.  Torchlight and Path of Exile will be nothing but footnotes.  You can fight it all you want, but in the end, it's inevitible.

    You never know, you might be right. Blizzard might be able to get through to the CoD-tard generation and sell them this game. I hope every true hack'n'slash fan stays away, though, or they'll be very disappointed.



         You are so incredibly biased that you can't even mention one positive aspect about D3 and one negative about T2. Which, I believe, ruins any credability you could have had. Your no better than those people your hating all over. Your just on the other side of the fence.

         I've played D3 and its nothing as you describe, for one. T1 barely held my interest for three days and T2 has shown me nothing to change my mind. The abilities are lackluster and boring. The environments seem boring. It just doesn't interest me in the least. Is it awful? no. I'll probably get it down the road because of its price. Now I'll get into your 'post' which, again, served no purpose accept to place your opinion on a pedestool. 

         1. I had no latency issues, that doesn't mean you didn't though. Latency is a key part of betas which is all you've possibly played up until tuesday. Much of beta was spent over-taxing servers to find out capacity limits. Its called beta for a reason. Latency is part of every beta unless its not really a beta and the game is already optomized and finished.

         2. That's what gives the system depth. I'll explain it to you as well. Skill tree's are pointless and archaic. Nobody wants to be locked into one and there are at most two or three viable builds in any skill tree. Offering a respec makes them completely pointless to have at all. Anyone who's a "true fan" (see what I did there?) knows that in D2 there was generally only a couple ways to effectively build anyone. The skills are available for you to USE but you don't actually have them unless its on your bar.

         Logically you have the skills anyways once you are of level in skill tree's. Just go back and respec if you want to change your loadout. By the end of D2 you have about 10 skills to choose from. By the end of D3 you have over 3 times that. 

         All they did was take out the unnecessary tedium that was traveling back to town to pay an arbituary 15g to respec when all you wanted to do was change a few skills. Do you really need to be forced into a choice to make yourself feel like it has meaning because the guy next to you has to pay 15g to copy you?

         If you play D3 you will have plenty of choice. If you look at the skill tree's by level 20 they are piling skills on you groups at a time. You will have to decide which ones are on your bar BEFORE battle, thus keeping the meaning in your choice. If gamers are too lame to understand the superiority of this system then god help the gaming industry in the future. 

         In relation to what you wrote in red up there what he meant went way over your head. It is smart because you have to think about it in advance. Which skills do I want to bring into battle? I have limited slots so I must choose wisely. It keeps the meaning in your choices. If you could just switch on the fly all the time then there would be no builds. Everyone would just be generic 'monk' or 'barbarian'.

         In D3 there was said to be over 50 different builds just for the barbarian that people used avidely in the beta. That is incredible and far surmounts the three or four variations you would see in D2 if that. (two of those weren't even that good). 



         How would you know if it doesn't work? you made it through the tutorial. Even there, however, it worked. So I'm unsure how it "doesn't work" when it clearly does. Instead of chugging potions constantly you can make a decision whether or not you want to try to keep pushing on and slay more enemies for the orbs or use the limited health potions in your arsenal at the cost of money and a cooldown. 

         The diablo is everywhere in this game. Diablo is more then a skill tree, which is what I suspect this is really about because everything else you said was almost completely irrelevent. (Latency issues before launch, graphics, etc). Once again, I point out that the new system is far superior than the grindy, limited old one. You literally have to make the same choices without the tedium.

         In a skill tree you decide which skill you want. You put points into it. Here, you decide which skills you want and put runes into them to further customize them completely. Difference? One I have to trek back to town every ten minutes to pay 15g to respec two skills OR I'm locked into it forever, the other I can try out multiple builds without investing 200 hours to get to the same spot I'm at now to see if it even works.

         I'm normally not quite as aggressive. It does get under my skin though how dense some people are. 


         In T2 I see fewer build options, boring game-play, lakcluster skills (as they always have). Its hidiously hilarious that you even compare the graphics of the two. 

         Again, though, its not awful. You are just such a biased eyesore that its hard to get around. 

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