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What does and does not scale in WvW?

raykorraykor Member UncommonPosts: 326

I’ve read that as soon as you enter the Mists your character is boosted to level 80, all the skills are unlocked, and you have access to the best gear.  My understanding is that this holds true if you enter the ranked/instanced PvP matches since they are all about skill and not gear or character level.


But I have also read that in WvW: “Character level adjustments have a limit, however. The level-adjustment system won’t let a level 1 character go head-to-head against a level 80 character with much chance of victory—a level 80 character is still going to have more bonuses on their gear and access to a full complement of utility and elite skills that players just don’t have at lower levels.”


So does this mean that when your character enters the Mists all the skills are unlocked but then if you walk through the WvW portal only the skills you have unlocked are available?


I want to make it very clear that I am not criticizing the system; I am simply trying to understand how the scaling works in WvW.


  • El-HefeEl-Hefe Member UncommonPosts: 760

    in WvW you will be bolstered to roughly the same stats as a lvl 80.  but you will NOT have all the skills/traits as a lvl 80.  you will have to unlock all weapon skills and traits.  so if you log in and go directly to WvW you have the "1" skill unlocked and thats it. (maybe yur heal too,).


    structured pvp will unlock all skill and traits for you as if you were a lvl 80.

    _  from the wiki.

    In WvW, characters will have their effective level set to 80 but do not receive any new abilities or gear. Therefore, higher level characters will still be more powerful than lower level characters, despite both having the same effective level. 

    I've got the straight edge.

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