Castanic are small elves. I started playing yesterday and rolled one, but the official forums are lacking on any specific class/race information. Will being small gimp my toon because of collision and being hard to heal? I know the racials are not the best.
This come down to personal choice non of the racials really matter as they are on such a long cool down. If you like castanic lance be a castanic lancer.
thats true but everyone knows that human win
The racial skills are not a big advantage. The passive racial abilities will make some difference. Castanics get a 1% crit rate when attacking the enemies back, so that doesn't really help a lancer much. For a pure "tanking" lancer I believe Baraka or Aman are the best as they get bonus damage reduction at lower health. Still though make what you like/want, lancers are beefy whatever race.
you are not going to gimp your toon.
As an fyi, I have a high elf lancer and by no means has anyone called me on it. Usually I'm fighting a BAM and people are just wanting to join.
Or if I offer to help no one says no.
Play what you want.
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Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Race in tera barely betters at all, the racails are almost never used by most people with their long cd people forget about them. I really like this because you can choice whatever you want for whatever class w/o feeling your getting glimped on that class by choice certain race.