hehe. It's easy to see everyone is mostly to busy playing WoW to bother to read or post here... I'm having a blast playing in Pandaria ) Can't wait to reach 90 and roll my cute l'il Panda girl!!
I find it amazing how many people on this site bitch about the "Broken Talent System", because Catalsym's 5% critcal strike 10% increased damage talents were so damn important.
Atleast in this expansion every talent point you use goes towards something that you can actualy use, not hey give me that blatent damage increase in this one I can pick if I want Blade Storm, Dragons Breath, or Shockwave no blatent wrong choses for people to make, so you can make a toon that fits YOUR play style.
I purchased WOW and today I was denied access - locked out - and unable to solve the problem. How can I be prevented from playing when I paid for a 6 month subscription? Any lawyers out there??
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
Getting rid of a broken skill system to put in place a system where YOU can choose what you want it'd be just dandy?
Glad you and others like you aren't coming back; Morons can't see how good this is for the game.
I find it amazing how many people on this site bitch about the "Broken Talent System", because Catalsym's 5% critcal strike 10% increased damage talents were so damn important.
Atleast in this expansion every talent point you use goes towards something that you can actualy use, not hey give me that blatent damage increase in this one I can pick if I want Blade Storm, Dragons Breath, or Shockwave no blatent wrong choses for people to make, so you can make a toon that fits YOUR play style.
I purchased WOW and today I was denied access - locked out - and unable to solve the problem. How can I be prevented from playing when I paid for a 6 month subscription? Any lawyers out there??