New account, but not a bot. Saw you guys were doing a key give away and I have the day off so I'm f5'ing it up over on the hearthstone reddit. Extra chances are are nice:)
I feel the paladin, much like every other class is very well represented in this game, from what I have seen, and the cards available, and as a paladin fan. I have to pick him!
Rexxar, b/c he's impossible to find in desolace.
New account, but not a bot. Saw you guys were doing a key give away and I have the day off so I'm f5'ing it up over on the hearthstone reddit. Extra chances are are nice:)
Uther the Lightbringer!
I feel the paladin, much like every other class is very well represented in this game, from what I have seen, and the cards available, and as a paladin fan. I have to pick him!
Jaina Proudmoore
Jaina Proudmoore.... for all the benevolent hero existed... she is the most benevolent of ALL !!!
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
Edgar Allan Poe