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Mostly Pleased , My Review

tharkthark Member UncommonPosts: 1,188

1.WORLD  Beautiful World with lots of ambient sounds and things that moves , talks and makes it a wonderful experience just to run around

in the citys and in the wildlife. It also runs very smoothly in most if not all places so far.

However ,I have a bug that cancels out some of my soundports , so to get the sound back i have to restart the game, not a big deal but annoying and immersionbreaking.

2.QUEST. This is the part where im the most pleased with ESO ..and also the part where im very displeased with this game !!

Very good job in creating quests and quests that is actually quests , not just errands and kill quests, sure if you skip all the lore and never listen or focus in what is happening it will feel like any MMO on the list. Also good that you have to make choices that effects gameplay in your surroundings based on your choices..Very Good

Ok..Now the ugly part, I understand the immersioness in running around in "OPEN" dungeons and meeting all sorts of players in dungeons, but some of these places are NOT dungeons they are entering some rulers Dream etc, yet I see this and that dude running rampart in this rulers  dream .

There seems to be NO thought behind the developing process to make some quests ..SOLO ONLY(Main quest) and some of the overland quests aswell(SOLO ONLY) Naturally these are the best quests and they can't be joined by anyone. But there are MANY quests that are just as good as the main quest and some of these solo affairs, but they get brutally destroyed by ramparting other players that tags bosses and makes the quest for you automatically. Make REALLY good open dungeons and leave it at that, do not let other players completly destroy your fun by allowing them to enter any phase of yours during some of these quests, Im certain some of these occasions are also the reason why so many quests fail.

QUESTMARKERS. Ok. This is the second complain regarding this, quest markers EVERYWHERE , even the quests that has some sort of puzzle involved ea Follow the trail in Wayrest , look the posts you are suppose to look for is MARKED BY AN ARROW, why even try to make it look like a quest that gives you the illusion that you will have to think  just for a Little bit by letting you see exactly what you will have to do..Yeah Yeah, some players will be comfused etc etc..but what the..

My suggestion is...

Give the option to exclude or lock your phasing from other players part from you or your Group in certain quests that are not in the complete open.

Give the option to turn some ...Arrow hints OFF ..If there is a mystery quest THERE IS NO REASON WHY I SHOULD SEE WHERE IM SUPPOSE TO GO. But if there is an errand quest or I'm suppose to talk to someone that there is no reason that I shoudn't  know ehere this guy is standing, use the ARROWS. ZENIMAX.. You should REALLY take a good look at the quests in The Secret World.


COMBAT. Well Its ..action combat, and it's almost the same as in Skyrim, not the best of combat systems, feels abit odd at times and some of the bugs makes it a bit weird also, the bug´that completly locks your combat UI and makes you unable to do anything is slowly driving my wife crazy. But othervise ..good job :)

Suggestion..Tune it and it can only get better..

CRAFTING. Very good, not the best ..but ok


The game is as pleasing as it is displeasing at times, My wish for this game would be that the developers stop trying to develop games for analphabetic people and rushers when the only ones that suffers from this are the players that tries to really enjoy this game. You can't please everyone , Im fully aware of that, just some middleground would be nice.




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