I am looking to play an rpg/roguelike game where it is totally hardcore and only allows you a single lifeline and if you did die ( or some form of putrefaction) you would have to start .. I'd like to say all over again to simplify things but I'd also allow some things to be kept too.
So far I only know of one MMO (did I mention it needs to be an mmo) that gives you this setting and I am trying to expand my library by looking for more and I need your help so please suggest me some others.
I am aware of how incredibly difficult for a large multiplayer game to be run like this, believe me I can imagine killing off a WoW lvl 100 character only to start grinding the incredibly boring level grind again, but you know as this game has taught me it could be quite euphoric.
Only problem with the one I am playing is that noone i know is playing and could you believe it or not, mostly for children but they actually give you this mode..Can you believe it.
Of course you can do this in any game... just delete your character whenever you die. Of course most games are so easy, that you have to work at dying.
And ofcourse the open world pvp etc etc.. This is not a selfish decision of mine to torture myself.
Oh and btw thanks for the suggestion.
Does Diablo III "hardcore" option count?
Lag aside, the D3 Monk was one of the coolest and most versatile classes I ever played in an RPG. Pretty sure they lost some of their diversity by now though.
The classes were pretty fun, unfortunately the gearing system they use sort of forces you into using certain abilities and playstyles towards the end.
The reason I mention the lag... well, you can imagine, if you have 1 life to live, how fun it is to die due to a laggy server.
Side note: While your character is killed off if you die in Hardcore, your bank stash and crafting station upgrades and such remain. So, technically, you can save up gear and money for your next character. What you are carrying when you die poofs, but your banked stuff lives on.
Also grim Dawn has Hardcore permadeath (ARPG ) excellent game btw
As well as Path of Exile (ARPG)
The time investment is simply not worth it.
The mmo I played was a sort of xcom type strategy game so I had protection against issues like my power outages and game crashes, simply because of all that extra time I had.
Protection mechanisms can be proven to work, i dont think this sub genre is totally hopeless yet...
And the reason I like this system is because it makes players care about what they do as long as it has a progressionsystem. The lvl 20 wont go out to fight the 4 lvl 10s, and the lvl 30 attacking the lvl 40 might Get him running out of fear for his life. Today There is to much oh I died, oh well respawn and lets go again, cant loose anything mentality in games.