stock 56% faster than 970 1% slower than 980ti 8% slower than Titan X 4% faster than Fury X
OC 47% faster than 970 7% slower than 980ti 13% slower tha Titan X
in 4k performance nose dives in many games (most likely due to bandwidth) and problematic DX12 performance, same problems as all NVidia cards
Ashes really isn't a good showing for that card or anything outside of AMD cards at the moment. You notice much less discrepency between dx11/12 performance on nvidia's graphics cards and while the 1070 has some stuff going on it's kind of silly to show off a benchmark where they've largely seemed to favor amd in their optimization efforts as far as DX12 goes (dx12 requires a lot more developer input for optimizations vs the hardware makers like it used to be)
Honestly til we see DX12 games optimized properly and backed up as far as factually being optimized for both amd and nvidia architectures i think using it as a benchmark for anything is a bit haphazard dx11 performance vs dx12 when they are close is more telling to me. AMD clearly has been optimized for and they had a head start with the hooks for mantle to be sure.
Please, AotS devs went so far to implement Nvidia specific code into the game. It contains ONLY NVidia specific code, no AMD specific code whatsoever.
The lack of basic DX12 features on NVidias hardware....thats NVidias problem, (and they STILL claim to have it) sorry.
The lack of basic DX12 features on NVidias hardware....thats NVidias problem, (and they STILL claim to have it) sorry.
i do feel the urge to buy a new one but i think it would be a waste