well, just get to say something on this board. so anyway,here is just a fantastical place with so many wonderful thing within! and something is even the same with my webpage, so let us congratulate on this!:)
To see, To believe An absolutely mmorpg player here! Games only, Fun only Http://www.goldburse.com
HI! Umm i was looking through this thread and my curser clicked it self to the post message box so im posting! Seems my laptop has a mind of its own! I found out the command ealier today to set down a picture at the bottom of the chat boxes..for ones signature. In case some ones looking for the command here it is! [IMG]placeurlofsigpicture[IMG] You just put that entire command in the signiture part of "your account settings" box. Dont put the king smily faces in tho.
Favorite mmorpg's:
Testing complete.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Which FF Character Are You?
Live In Your World, Play In Ours... and Play B3yond
how do i get a signature i mean i tried them but they wont come up
please help
ok got em too work but how do i put pictures on this
Which FF Character Are You?
Live In Your World, Play In Ours... and Play B3yond
Just testing my signature and avatar. Thanks
To see, To believe
An absolutely mmorpg player here!
Games only, Fun only
Maximum-Gamers.com Administrator "The clues are out there.....S.N.A.F.U."
just a test
Playing: Nothing
Retired:Too many to list.
HI! Umm i was looking through this thread and my curser clicked it self to the post message box so im posting! Seems my laptop has a mind of its own! I found out the command ealier today to set down a picture at the bottom of the chat boxes..for ones signature. In case some ones looking for the command here it is! [IMG]placeurlofsigpicture[IMG] You just put that entire command in the signiture part of "your account settings" box. Dont put the king smily faces in tho.
"There, where does not reach your sieht,
there, where rules underground might..."
..: Sorry for my grammar :..
take what you can but not what isn't yours. "fight to the end and never give your enemy the satisfaction of victory"
Peace and safety.