Hey everyone. I'm trying to get off Runescape especially now since I lost my account.
WHat I liked about Runescape I think was the variety of skills... especially the crafting and resource harvesting ones. I'd really like to find a game that would let me do the same. I have tried in the past:
Everquest 2 <--- Loved it.
World of Warcraft <--- Loved it.
Rubies of Eventide <--- It was okay, better if it didnt take 30 seconds for the server to process info.
Project Entropia <--- Second best game to Runescape. Loved the community.
Thanks for any MMORPG suggestions! I cant seem to find any more... with crafting at least.
I cannot stand 2D games. I cant play knowing my avatar was drawn in Microsoft Paint.
But it is sort of the anti-WOW in almost every aspect so if you loved WOW you might not like it. However, there is a free trial, so I suggest giving it a whirl and seeing what you think. The trial gives you a very good feel for what harvesting and crafting are like in the main game.
I liked it because there were lots of cool people to play with and I liked the graphics style and the fact it ran smoothly on my computer
For crafting and a bonus community....go with Saga of Ryzom, also they they just released a new expansion and a new server to come. Anyways a great game for what you seek
Waiting on Guild Wars 2
Well the standard answer is... pre-CU SWG. No offence man, but as far as I'm concerned, SWG and Saga of Ryzom are pretty much the only MMOs with any actual crafting in them. Yeah, I haven't played every game out there, but at least none of the stuff in your list has crafting that's worth a damn. Sadly, SWG was ruined and SoR is crafting-only.
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If you listen to this guy, you will have more fun taking a $50bill and watching it spin around in the toilet.
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