Hi,I would like to know more about the 2014 ultimate pack.Which Character will be included?How many characters will be included?How much will it cost?I heard there will some exclusive costumes.....What will make layers buy this ultimate Pack?
Is there any chance that Gazillion will try to cross-promote Marvel Heroes with Super Hero Squad Online? Perhaps in the future include Marvel Hero bundles with a code to redeem that hero in SHSO, assuming that character is available in both games?
I'm excited for the quest that rewards us with G's. Any chance of getting more like it down the line? Also, any chance for side missions or quest lines that reflect classic comic stories? Have you thought about having current digital comic codes as quest rewards or rare drops?
Updates from today's patch changed how pets work, for every one but Emma. As time passes Emma seems to be becoming less and less desirable as a pet class as there are now new multi-pet classes and these changes seem to further cement that image. Are there any plans to readdress pets as they relate to Emma any time soon?
PvP in Marvel Heroes sometime feels like it could use some balancing (one shot kills, some heroes feels like not dealing any damage despite the 10 level range)... I'm pretty sure the gear makes it hard balancing PvP in a game like this, and I know Gazillion is reviewing the heroes.. What part does the PvP takes when it comes to balancing heroes compared to PvE ?
Thanks !
Answer: Hello sir!
Yes, PVP is in the extremely early stages of testing, so our course we should expect 1-shot kills, 1 minute games, etc. for about a week or two. Anyone who has ever created a PVP game will tell you it takes awhile to get everything to a fun balanced state. Thankfully, we have a lot of systems in place to move towards a balanced state. It’s progressing exactly as anticipated and we got tons of invaluable information in the first couple of days. Today’s patch will move us 1 step closer to a balanced mode and we will need about 5-10 more steps to get to a solid place. I have no fear about it.
We don’t need to balance PVE and PVP at all - they are completely separate. We can add cooldowns, damage modifiers and durations to powers in PVP and it never affects PVE, they are completely separate backend systems. We took the time to build this and are using it exactly as it should be used.
Considering that there have been so many good improvements and additions to MH as well as a lot of good things slated for early 2014, is there any part of you that wishes that you could have delayed the launch of MH until 2014 so the game could go live as a much fuller and more polished game? Or do you believe that despite all of the early struggles that June 2013 was the right time to go live?
Well there be a mail system soon? because I have alternate accounts and some have a costume that another account has the hero in. I wish to mail different things to different accounts.
Hey Doomy, Are you guys at all concerned about how fast new heroes are being put out? Every hero to date since launch has had to be patched in one way or another...could some of those problems have been solved with more testing before release?
Has there been any discussion of adding an authenticator or some kind of account security? I've made a few purchases from the store but am a little hesitant to spend too much without some kind of security. I know there isn't much reason to steal an account with a lot of the items being non-tradable, but it would still be nice to have some kind of protection.
Legendary items can be time consuming to gather marks and then having to level them. Are there plans to just make them account bound instead of having to unbind them all the time? Also, on that note what's the chances of raising the credit cap? 2m credits is terrible when some crafting costs 750k and some pets go for 1m credits or more.
Any chance that hero drops will make it back in game as a holiday event? I remember it being said that this is a possibility
I love the game and i spend many hours playing, thanks for making it awesome! I wanted to know if you still get a chance to sometimes play other games for inspiration or just to check out the competition?
What are your favorite games of all time? current games? arpgs and just in general?
Odin marks are great and now there's a lot to buy with them but not many ways to get them. Any chance you will add "heroic" and "super heroic" legendary quests that return more 5 and 10 marks per difficulty level or something along those lines?
Hi,I would like to know more about the 2014 ultimate pack.Which Character will be included?How many characters will be included?How much will it cost?I heard there will some exclusive costumes.....What will make layers buy this ultimate Pack?
Hello Doomsaw,
What's it like working on a really awesome game?
Hey Doomsaw !
PvP in Marvel Heroes sometime feels like it could use some balancing (one shot kills, some heroes feels like not dealing any damage despite the 10 level range)... I'm pretty sure the gear makes it hard balancing PvP in a game like this, and I know Gazillion is reviewing the heroes.. What part does the PvP takes when it comes to balancing heroes compared to PvE ?
Thanks !
Answer: Hello sir!
Yes, PVP is in the extremely early stages of testing, so our course we should expect 1-shot kills, 1 minute games, etc. for about a week or two. Anyone who has ever created a PVP game will tell you it takes awhile to get everything to a fun balanced state. Thankfully, we have a lot of systems in place to move towards a balanced state. It’s progressing exactly as anticipated and we got tons of invaluable information in the first couple of days. Today’s patch will move us 1 step closer to a balanced mode and we will need about 5-10 more steps to get to a solid place. I have no fear about it.
We don’t need to balance PVE and PVP at all - they are completely separate. We can add cooldowns, damage modifiers and durations to powers in PVP and it never affects PVE, they are completely separate backend systems. We took the time to build this and are using it exactly as it should be used.hey dooms saw, how long is this going to run, im posting all you answers on the forums for you... and my mouse finger is bleeding!
So Sayeth the DOOMSAW!
No answer my past questions :P
Hello Doomsaw,
What's it like working on a really awesome game?
Answer: It's a huge responsibility, but it's also fun to play something that you help to design.
Hi Doomsaw,
Is there any chance we will see Odin mark as PVP reward?
So cool of you to do this Doomsaw,
Do you have any tips on playstyles the development team think should succeed, that perhaps the players aren't having success with?
Or have you tried out any characters that you thought were really superbly designed, but they fell flat without best-in-slot gear?
Any chance that hero drops will make it back in game as a holiday event? I remember it being said that this is a possibility
Can you give us any spoilers on Ghost Rider? Really glad he is next!
And, what do you want for christmas?
Myself I want good grades from university, good food and alot of spare time to play Marvel Heroes! Dealing some judgement with the Rider
Hey doomsaw!
I love the game and i spend many hours playing, thanks for making it awesome! I wanted to know if you still get a chance to sometimes play other games for inspiration or just to check out the competition?
What are your favorite games of all time? current games? arpgs and just in general?
Will there be console versions of the game in the near future?
Hey Doomsaw
Odin marks are great and now there's a lot to buy with them but not many ways to get them. Any chance you will add "heroic" and "super heroic" legendary quests that return more 5 and 10 marks per difficulty level or something along those lines?