Alright, holiday break is over, back to business as usual!!!
I'm proud to announce our new PvE officer, Darkly Dreaming, has been doing a fantastic job of coordinating things and helping people run content that they need to do. Can't wait to see w…
After a holiday Hiatus i'm back and have a rather large post to share with everyone here!
Our various recruitment teams for the different divisions got together and came up with the concept of a community spotlight. It's a brief discussion with a …
Hey there all, Xha'li here! I'm a member of RoH, and an officer of another gaming division within the community.
We have a truly fantastic group of people here in the TOR division, and are part of an even more amazing community at large.
Even …
Just held one of our first social events tonight in central shroud! It was an awesome afternoon of hide and seek, and it was a blast! 2 hours just completely blew by!
Apologies to Reupet who got distracted from his thesis paper
Intro RP event t…
Congratulations to the wave of new members, and to our newest trial Member Nighthunter911!
Also hosting another RP introduction event and Hide-and-Seek game this week!
Congratulations to our newest three members! SeanSavior, Solitatrythunder, and Nnebulosa.
They are fantastic additions to our roster, and truly looking forward to watching them help grow our division!
Congratulation to Xelios, our newest full member!
Congratulations on completing your trial and being such a warm and friendly addition to our community at large!
Story night!
One goal we have with these FC stories to type them up and novelize them to some extent. This will help others who join later on to know what is going on with the FC story, and who's come and gone in that time.
Will be posting at lea…
Alright it's Saint's Wake time and the decorations are out!
We'll be holding a photo session and some holiday festivities later on this next week!
Also i mentioned it before but our Halloween Contest is in full swing! While we get our costumes re…
The winner of this weeks caption contest was: "Why'd this lady give us pumpkins! I told her we need mushrooms or we'll be tiny like this forever!"
Also we are in the midst of a PvE Marathon weekend. Our PvE Department leader created a contest f…
The above post about the Halloween and Art contest highlight something i truly wish to talk about as it's honestly one of the things i truly enjoy the most about the Remnants of Hope.
The community itself.
All members play at least one of the game…
Yes, as Dahkeus said we offer a lot of options for all members, including our social events. Our internet pictionary is the think of legends. I mean really, you get a clue and have to use a MS paint application to draw it in a few seconds.
Also c…
After having a fun 4 hour introduction event for our members i'm pleased to announce that this saturday we are starting the first story arc for our FC: From Whence We Came
Truly looking forward to it!
Also for those interested in PvE our Depar…
Congratulation to Kiamara, our newly appointed PvE Officer!
He's done an amazing job already, including creating a link shell for people to find others to group up with. It's already working extremely well, with well over 80 people active most of t…
Five years ago the world made sense, five years ago and everyone had a home and family to fight for. Then Dalamad came crashing down and Bahamut was released. The devastation he(hir) wrought on the land upset everything, and once the chaos s…
One last unsolicited piece of information for today! We have recently hammered out a weekly schedule for various events and activities and thought I would share it with you all!
It's been a week and thought i'd introduce myself here!
My name is Dylan (or Will if you'd like), though lets be honest as an avid roleplayer i really do go by Xha'li more then anything else!
I am the Recruitment Officer for Remnants of Hopes FF:…