So you don't want to help you.You real don't care.The game is losing,but you don't care.So what when the shut it down soon you will what.Say that the servers will come back online soon.Just look how Warhammer online guys and gals end up acting the s…
A year or 2 some guy or gal posted some statistics about some game called warhammer online.He want to tell to everyone so they can help to game stay alive.Everyone called him or her a liar.Well you know how that ended.
Also this game is 100% in the hands of NCsoft as their giving all the money.If Arenanet doesn't start making money .
NCsoft will do what it want with asking you about it!
Aaaaaa what does it matter you don't care .Instead of helping your game by buy something from the gem store.Your acting like kids that have to go home.
obviously i can't change your mind.So why don't check the facts for yourself and then tell that i am wrong.On top of that games like that rise and fall every year.Just go play another game.
actually more like 300.000 to 400.000.Some sells are not full or returned.
this game needs some like 1.500.000 just to run with 70% of players being full time paying customers.
And you have with your numbers 20% paying customers.Just check NCsoft …