I agree 100%. I'd rather pay 15$ a month and know I'm getting the full product, then to be lured in with the free to play signs and then, once inside be advertised all the cash shop stuff and be nickle and dimed which takes away from the immersion o…
It's disgusting what they are charging for these days in games. Even if the fixed the game and it magically became fun, I would never play this game again. They think people are stupid and will pay for crap like this. This game needs to die and fast.
Here's what really happened. You went into gamestop, you bought yourself two copies of pandaria, one for you and the other for your second account. You then drove home in your moms 15 year old car and proceeded to beat the living shits out of every …
Answer to the OP > No,
My belief is even if MMO's were to die, it would not fill the void that most people are looking to fill with something like the old MMO's (UO, EQ, SWG, Vanilla WOW).
In fact, UO is still running, how come the masses aren'…
Here's my list,
* No (instanced) dungeons or raids, real raids with the full meaning of the word. (explanation: Certain zones will be known for being harder in content and will require a small group to venture. Other zones might be a lot har…
I agree with the OP 100%!
2008 when they sat down and said "Let's make a kiss @ss MMO" they were absolutely right. But perhaps where they gambled and fell short is by assuming nothing would change in the time it would take them to make the game.
To me, what rang bells that there is something wrong with this game was, when I noticed after many cut scenes during quests, that when I was either giving an item, or taking an item from an NPC as part of the cutscene, you wouldn't see the item ever…
Having player houses means you need a 3D model for each item. In WoW items a re a 2D icon in your bag or bank (other than gear and weapons upon equipping them).
I would of prefered player houses as well. In fact, I would get a life subscription to…
Blizz never hit 13 million players with the US market, they hit it with the oriental market. Clearly moneywise it's the oriental market that has most customers. So it makes sense that they make an expansion to catter specifially for them. I mean the…
I actually got banned from WoW forums a while back when the dungeon finder tool came out for saying that the kind of people it grouped you with, were people who I would never group with in any other situation. It matched us by gear, but not personal…
I totally agree that separating the two is bad.
I do not understand how people can prefer it the other way. Imagine SWG, sandbox classes (no levels), you pick and chose your own skills AND you can change them as you see fit without ever being …
Originally posted by Loke666
Originally posted by eayes
I've read these same "two cents" a million times on this site. So this rant is much like the games your complaining about. Not wrong, just old and tired.
Yeah, the problem with both MMO…
No other game (mmo) will match SWG for me, for the time it lasted (a year and half, give or take before the changes). Not having played it, perhaps as a star wars fan, you missed out on the greatest game that has ever been.
The idea of unlocking m…
The MMORPG genre will not fail, if SWTOR fails, because the MMORPG genre is driven by elements outside of gaming; human psychology.
Same reason facebook gaming apps have become a huge success, the actual games are dull and simple, but adictive...…
I'm not surprised to see Blizzard take that stance, because I recall at some point Blizzard had mentioned that it was something like 33% of players who actually made it past the starter zones. Which means that there is a huge loss of potential custo…
I guess some (maybe many) people avoided this game simply because its an SOE product, like myself. There's a reason why SOE has the rep they have, and it aint because they are great.