Yeah, that's Disney's bread and butter right there. If they let some 3rd party developer tarnish their image that would just be insane on their part. Not sure about this whole moving to another developer thing though. Will be interesting to see down…
I like the humor from the videos they have shared. Hoping it carries into the entire game and not just a few cut scenes. it just looks like fun, something that seems to be missing from a lot of mmos that have recently come out.
I like the humor from the videos they have shared. Hoping it carries into the entire game and not just a few cut scenes. it just looks like fun, something that seems to be missing from a lot of mmos that have recently come out.
It looks like plain old fun. Something that has been missing in mmos for quite a while in my opinion. I also like the humor from the videos that have been released so far. I am hoping that carries over to the entire game and not just a few cut scene…
Originally posted by Azaqin Originally posted by SuperDonk Originally posted by ShakyMo
Who's EA going to buy up and ruin next then?
EA - the poo fingered …
If you were in the 11/25 or later beta weekend all you need to do is patch. They recommend to delete and reinstall if it is more the 20GB. Some people ust patched everything so some people's directories got as big as 50GB.
At this point I don't think they should be afraid of bad publicity from the test groups. In fact I feel it would be in their interest at this point to drop the NDA. A lot of people who have not tested are skeptical, that there are reasons that Bio-W…
Elendilmir, its a west coast server with a mature friendly group of players. I've been on it almost since launch, even though I am east coast, just because I like the group on there so much. Well, there is my 2 cents.
I think Han Solo would be a good William T Sherman. How about R2D2 for Chamberlain. Vader as Stonewall Jackson. I think Obi-wan would be closer to Longstreet though. Just a few off the top of my head