Trolls and people not playing the game need not apply. I hope they make it so open servers can go back but i just cant stand questing and seeing the oppisite faction and not being able to attack them unless they are flagged too. Hopefully mythic can…
I love pvp a lot but I also like to mix things up a bit and do some pve'ing. I think something like a big strong world boss would be a very fun part of the game. They already have the PQ system set up and could use that system for the fight/looting/…
I preordered from gamestop and they called me the day it arrived and gave me free shit that they got in from other games too. I guess your gamestop is just full of (insert angry word here)'s. The one i went to was really cool and the guys were as po…
its 8 bucks. are we really complaining about 8 dollars? I could walk around campus and find more then 8 bucks and these are poor cheap college students...
I think that they are most likely going to take a chapter from swg with the faction bases and the windows of attack allowed. Thats just my guess.
I don't think there should be a max amount of time a guild can leave their keep open to attacks becau…
I dont think it will flop at all. People who start saying how many bugs and what not will be at launch means if it will flop or not need to remember how many bugs wow had at launch...
This has already came up and the game was firstly designed for the PC. Thus the reason it will be released for the PC before the Xbox. The combat system was set up to be easy for both which is also a mass appeal to gamers in general and not aimed at…
Its a couple extra bucks... no big deal. Couple extra hours of work is nothing. If you say you can not work a few extra hours to get this then you really should not be playing a game... If you are just too cheap to buy it then thats your own deal. I…
Warriornation... i used to coach their cal team long time ago. anyway...
I cant wait until this game comes out. Should be awesome. 3 Months seems like such a long time. Hopefully it will go quickly...
Originally posted by glim3mer
Plus, do not forget what SWG did, that to my knowledge nobody else has done. You were able to unlock a force sensitive character slot.
Which, for me, was the only reason I bought the game in the first place. Not beca…
Originally posted by glim3mer
Some people will never understand the virtues of "sandbox", OP included.
In SWG, it wasen't just kill x of y to unlock z skill. But even if you WANT to see it like that, then how is a class based, linear game any dif…
I've actually seen that post before on those forums and I was wondering what the difference between (exclusive in-game item) and (bonus in-game item).
I also really want a rhino but we dont have any gameplanets around here so im stuck with the ma…
Originally posted by tgftfjhgfuf
umm have to have a guild to participate in high end pvp and pve?
Mercenaries allow for people not in a guild to participate in high end pvp... The pve part I think we will have to wait till the NDA is lifted to…