I've never been a player of shitty looking mmos. But I have to say this game looks fun and will give it a shot. Honestly graphics are on par with warhammer and the gameplay is not for slow retarded fucks that needs 10 sec to react.
"As a small company we don't have any marketing department" And here is where I stopped reading. It might just follow the same path as some other small company.
Terrorist wouldnt be playing Wow or use Wow. The only thing they would try to do is actually blow up Blizzard.
I mean if a muslim saw these half naked elves they would probably faint or give up on religion and start waking it. If anything we need …
Gonna have to agree. I'm really looking forward to Aion, but havent really been keeping up to date with Aion. Hope this will not affect the pvp too much
17 mil represents the number of accounts created, not on going subscribers... . This has been said over and over and over Lineage 2 is the best pvp game out right now (with eve)
Originally posted by greenstumps
Well ever since the fall of SWG back in 2005 we all flocked to these boards to hate on everything.
this thread proves it. The vulgarity and troll rules are a bit tight assed. I dont even know anymore how many a…
I think immature people bring some fun into the game. The more diverse the community the better. some would say its always nice to have pvp and say "good fight" sometimes, but I rather have sometimes say "Die you fawking dyslexium". A game is fun wi…
If this about casters is true they shouldbe allowed to run and cast or else its a major imbalance, and also very boring. FPS are run and shoot acc decrease in some games but can still do something
Good MMORPGs have good pvp Wow doesnt have that. currently games with good pvp are Lineage 2 and Eve online that have decent graphics. So those are the two best games right now
I think they are funny, if I remember correctly I've seen testiculos, parishilton, vaginicus, SpreadyourLegs, ArmPenith ( you have to see a porn video to understand this one though), TightButt, 2girlsNoCup
Beatles suck and Led Zep must be pretty bad since I never heard a single song.
Next time Paul wants to do give a comparison he should make sure that the majority of the people can understand it.