I'm still looking for an invite, NA/US. Personal email is ninpo2dan@yahoo.com, same address as registered with BW.
And yes, this is my primary account.
Apparently I missed my original invite by 2 days, sent directly from the company (not another player). Because Bioware is unwilling to resend the invite, I'm told I'll need to get a trial invite from someone else. So I'm asking for a NA trial invite…
I used the key below:
Thanks for the key, I look forward to trying the game out before it goes F2P. Will be good to see how well it works on my system before I dump the cash into it.
I'm seeing a lot of confusion and mis-labeling of games lately as "Free to Play" when they are in fact "Micro Pay" (Item Mall). A true "F2P" game means there is no fee to download or play, no "premium" items or Item Mall, but 100% FREE. Games like t…
Thanks to Brotheryang, I'll give the game a try tonight. If it looks good and runs well on my system, I'll sub up. And in return, I'll offer my own buddy key to the next user.
First off, I'm not asking for a free MMO. But I have paid thousands of dollars into MMO's over the past few years, and I'm getting tired of investing money into games that turn out to be garbage. One example, I've got the limited collector's edition…
Thanks for the replies, but it looks like I'll just give this game a pass. I'm not about to spend 4 hours downloading/installing/patching a game that I might not even get the chance to use. And there is no way I'm going to buy it before trying it, e…