I really tried to like the game, I really did, after hearing the hype all across the gaming conventions on how it could be a contender against TERA and C9. I have to say, the developers marketing department did a great job selling the game to the ma…
The lack of low level dungeons was a surprise. I figure they would throw in some lvl 15-20 dungeon. The first dungeon isn't until lvl 30-35. I think the game will weather for awhile. Even after Pandaria is released, GW2 will remain strong. Can't for…
I liked how my character turned out. Being an actual asian playing an asian guy as the Dragons, I felt the angular face models were appropriate, the animation of those face models were off-putting since most of the characters seem to be stoic and ap…
Decided to try this game with a friend. I've been playing Rift for awhile now and needed something different. I got something different alright. I think I just stepped into a time machine, went back 7 years. Graphics are pitifully outdated. Even wit…
Skyrim Online (alpha stage) is a viable solution for your Skyrim MMO needs. Whenever the CS comes out, the progression will be quicker as more content gets developed and the coding is flesh…
If you're information is on the Internet, you can be compromised. It all determines whether your information is valuable enough. You can't hide your information on the Internet, because the government also has your info in their databanks. It's just…
I'm running almost the same set up you have...
Athlon II X4 940 with a GTX 460 vid card and I'm getting about 50 fps on Ultra settings in crowded areas. Have you downloaded the latest drivers, I know NVIDIA released a driver that addresses Rif…
Music is composed by Dynamedion, whom also composed music for a variety of other games like The Guild, Anno 1404, Settlers 7, and Sacred 2. During the CB phase, Runewaker didn't have a music set yet, so they hired Dynamedion to import some of their …
Game is fun for about an hour, then you take a break and play a more in-depth MMO, then come back to DWO again to play. It's just like the PS2 versions of Dynasty Warriors and thats the nostalgia is there, hence why I play it as a diversion. Fun, mi…
GPotato always have had a sour reputation for shafting their own developers on certain games and changing game mechanics around to suit a NA audience whether its negative or not. The Russian version of this game is a little bit better due to better …
It's actually common to have huge guilds or acclaimed guilds be the first one to try out a game. Thats why on most CB applications they'll ask you what guild you're in and their website. Guilds foster teamwork and if they are a legitly testing the g…
I wasn't really surprised by this happening since this is a common occurence in all their games that have had phases in beta. The main thing is, they have failed to shirk the responsibility of handling their beta process with an early reminder that …
There's a few of them, but the idea of fornication in-game as a way to get off is just....weird. Doing it for humor such as ganking some dude then stripping off your pants to tea-bag him is fun. The only game I can think of that came close to fornic…
I don't have many friends or people I know on there besides the ones that came with me and their all US-based so. This change doesn't affect me except that the servers will be quite empty when I log in.
I feel that old games that were released had an innovative appeal that lasts till this day. Back then just having the option to play with multiple people and do groups was a big thing. Then came PVP and group questing which was an awe-inspiring feat…
Lack of progression usually does it in for me. If I can't progress in a game at a decent pace, I start losing attention and it becomes another game I uninstall. Progression for me includes quests. I love quests, I love reading them especially if it'…
All the Asians so far are bots, so because their people and their culture happens to be a bunch of botters/hackers/gold sellers, they just screwed the legit Asians out of a game. Now currently from what I've heard, they're blocking all non-NA IPs, w…