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When Astellia launches, it will come with a system called "dungeoneering", a unique twist on the typical MMO dungeon run. During dungeoneering experiences, players will be able to view loot tables before entering and each player will earn even more rewards based on individual / group performance. Finally, the dungeon will "score" performance. We checked in with the Astellia team to learn more about these unique mechanics. See what they had to say.
I watched that yesterday. I can forgive the performance and stuff... that can always be improved.. but the amount of lolly in the game has put me right off it.
I played the KR version for many months. The optimization was extremely smooth for me except in a few highly populated areas (the pvp map avalon and the central town) where you would experience some FPS drops. I honestly have absolutely no idea what on earth he did to his game in order to get it to run that horrible. I get that the game content/style may not be for everyone but please don't base the optimization of the game off his video as that is absolutely not what 99% of us experience on the discord that play the KR version.
Bless claim the same thing also. They didn't even make any effort to change it.
That game wasn't good. I don't expect more out of this title.
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거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
I personally would have enjoyed Bless much more if it kept it's original combat. I definitely agree that Bless has better dungeons and I'm hoping they will take our feedback and make the legendary dungeons in Astellia more difficult. They did state they are holding back on releasing legendary dungeons as they were too easy so here's to hoping that we might see some more challenge/fun from them when they do get released As far as it struggling in the west...I hope not as I'd like to see it do well but only time will tell *crossing fingers*
If I buy it? - I do not know?!
I saw a lot promos, videos and so. I want to try it but do not want hype myself. Only what I really do not like to see is gender lock classes and 3 small lolis running around me, but who know, maybe I will like it later.
I saw many hype about Bless and see also how it ends, but issue of Bless as same goes for BaS it comes so late to EU/US Market.
Its like seeing now hype about Lost Ark, everyone proclaim how cool this game is and so, but EU/US (no RU) is not visible in near time horizon. I think Lost Ark on graphical side looks nice but gameplay looks for me near to some mobile games... not so action, static, and so far from D2 feeling
Anyway I don't like "lolli's", I can't stand flashy shit all the time (LESS IS MORE), this chinese stuff just isn't for me. However what caught my attention reading this was right at the very beginning "Players will be able to pick their loot". Now I don't care to what extent a player can choose, be it a type (weapon, craft, adventure) of reward or even if it's the value of the reward they can pick I think this is absolutely retarded. I want a living, breathing world where we need to discover NOT some horse shit player gets to choose their loot. AOC even introduced the ability to choose the difficulty of a dungeon FFS.
HELL WITH ALL THAT. Give me something organic or burn.
This part is actually a bit misleading in how it's worded. You don't get to pick your loot in any shape or form. It means that you can pick a dungeon based on the loot pool shown for that dungeon. Each dungeon will have it's loot table under the dungeon info so you know if that dungeon drops items that you want to farm. So no picking that you want X weapon/item and you get that item at the end of the dungeon or anything like that
PS - I sent in a message in hopes for them to change that because it makes it sound like you get to pick the loot you get from clearing a dungeon which isn't correct. The correct information is
"Astellia has one other unique point, each dungeon has a visible loot table, what we mean is before entering the dungeon you can decide if it has items you are interested in, or Astels you wish to unlock etc."
Well, he was playing the Korean version on a vpn right? Doesn't that contribute to lag?
That was my first thought when I watched that. Still, not a bad first impressions video. I'm not interested in the game but I'm sure there will be an audience.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.