Growing up my parents respected my privacy and I respected them for that and still do. Breaking my privacy and trust through keylogging and other such methods would have made me act out and want to rebel against them for that. Just teach your kids b…
Without a doubt, this man is the grandfather of RPGs as we know it today. Without his influence I doubt that the genre could've developed as far as it has. It really is a testament to his influence, capabilities, and genius that the RPG genre has gr…
Originally posted by Dethnoble
Blizzard's Secret Project: There is only one game that can be made that has the potential to challenge World of Warcraft as the top MMORPG. It is a game that an entire country became wrapped around, where being g…
I entirely agree with genjing on this one. Mindless killing of monsters and huge level grinds are what make most mmorpgs boring and flat. The new way of getting xp DDO is implmenting is much more innovative than sitting on your ass for hours on end …
Im sure many of us would have loved to see FR or dragonlance as the setting for DDO but i tihnk eberron will be a fresh new exciting setting for a great game...and im sure it will all turn out for the best...the problem with FR and dragonlance is th…
I tihnk its a great idea and should be implemented (although i dont think it will be ) Perhaps for high STR bulging muscles, or low STR really skinny char model and other such fun stuff...would be really hard to implement into the game le…
In regards to noticing the alignment of a character perhaps certain feats such as bluff will be used in a manner that make it easier (or harder) for a characters alignment to be detected. Other such feats will probably play an important role in alig…