I think i saw the fps demo thingy and if that doesn't make people go Wtf and hit that refund / chargeback button, they drank way too much koolaid. I mean.. You are using the CRYENGINE and that piece of dung is what you have after 4 years and 90million in funds? What are they smoking and can i have some?
It shows what PvP games are really all about, and no, it's not about more realism and immersion. It's about cowards hiding behind a screen to they can bully other defenseless players without any risk of direct retaliation like there would be if they acted like asshats in "real life". -Jean-Luc_Picard
Life itself is a game. So why shouldn't your game be ruined? - justmemyselfandi
If crowdfunding has three phases, which are pre-funding, mid-funding and post-funding, then Star Citizen is about to enter a mid-funding stage. I'm basing this assumption on consumer psychology. Mid-funders is what I call people who start pledging when they become strongly convinced that a game has a lot higher chance of being made than not being made. I believe that mid-funders will start to be interested in crowdfunding Star Citizen when more-or-less all of the following three criteria are met.
1. Strong indications that the game is more than 50% complete. 2. Number of star citizens reached 1 million. 3. Fund raising reached $100 million.
All of these criteria seem to be fulfilling right now in October 2015. At Citizencon 2015 they announced Squadron 42 website, revealed famous actors and intro video, and launched pre-oder packages. The number of backers is at 996,000 and total funding is almost at $92 million. If my hypothesis is correct, then during the first half of 2016 Star Citizen will attract hundreds of thousands of new backers from the mid-funder category of consumers.
By the time the game is launched, post-funders will bring at least $50 million of additional revenue. Star Citizen will obviously sell at least 2-3 million game packages. For many people the main attraction will be the single player game. Wing Commander 3 for PC sold 1 million copies and many first-person shooter games such as Doom 3 and Battlefield 1942 have sold 2-3 million copies. Star Citizen should also attract a good number of MMO players, which will ensure that it gets at least to the 2-3 million copy bracket of best-selling PC games of all time.
Oh wow... So 50% complete is what we saw at CitizenCon? ROFL!
It shows what PvP games are really all about, and no, it's not about more realism and immersion. It's about cowards hiding behind a screen to they can bully other defenseless players without any risk of direct retaliation like there would be if they acted like asshats in "real life". -Jean-Luc_Picard
Life itself is a game. So why shouldn't your game be ruined? - justmemyselfandi
and they´ve released with 5% of what SC will be at launch. Big applause. /s
Here´s the perfect analogy by the way. Love this.
Actually I'm not sure the above analogy is favorable to how SC appears to bystanders lol... because by the time SC "masterpiece" releases ED's "blank canvas" would already have been added with enough features to be a "masterpiece" in it's own right.
They are already having planetary landings and atomspheric flights by the end of the year while SC is still yet to have a complete game, lol.
Also, releasing something actually playable matters, that's why people are getting restless about SC.
Oh wow... So 50% complete is what we saw at CitizenCon? ROFL!
By Wing Commander standards it does look like Squadron 42 is at least 50% complete. They have a bunch of ships, gameplay involving battles of those ships, some places where people can walk around, and cinematic sequences with famous actors to fill the time between the battles. The remaining part is to slap that all together for a single player game.
and they´ve released with 5% of what SC will be at launch. Big applause. /s
I shall keep this post for posterity. Especially when this game doesn't release for yet another 3 years. At least.
You do know the Elite:D was all ready 2+ years into development before Frontier opened it up for crowdfunding. Plus, Frontier has been around for a long, long, long time...they didn't need to put together a team of developers to get started making a game as CIG did. So you can't compare a game what was all ready in production with one that started production 2+ years later.
Actually I'm not sure the above analogy is favorable to how SC appears to bystanders lol... because by the time SC "masterpiece" releases ED's "blank canvas" would already have been added with enough features to be a "masterpiece" in it's own right.
Actually I'm not sure the above analogy is favorable to how SC appears to bystanders lol... because by the time SC "masterpiece" releases ED's "blank canvas" would already have been added with enough features to be a "masterpiece" in it's own right.
More like:
Dude what is your avatar? I know I should know it but can't think of what it is.
I'm going to share my opinion on the CitizenCon. I saw some pretty graphics (and many more unfinished graphics) and a lot of A-list voice actors, and I also saw some unexciting gameplay. The gameplay really did strike me as mediocre and forgettable. But, what really struck me was the difficulty they had pulling together circa 20 minutes of unique and interesting content for their presentation.
This is my perception and it may be wrong, but it seems that too much attention has been directed towards creating cinematic cutscenes and rubbing shoulders with A-listers, and far too little on making a fun game. I hope that attention is very swiftly turned to gameplay.
Dude what is your avatar? I know I should know it but can't think of what it is.
Master Roshi from Dragonball Z.
But to be fair... I was told I was like him in High School but never really read the manga or watched the show. I did read a couple of pages when I was compared to him and I'm pretty much a dirty ol' man (even though I was young-er at the time). So really he might have been completely different and I'm just using the avatar incorrectly
Dude what is your avatar? I know I should know it but can't think of what it is.
Master Roshi from Dragonball Z.
But to be fair... I was told I was like him in High School but never really read the manga or watched the show. I did read a couple of pages when I was compared to him and I'm pretty much a dirty ol' man (even though I was young-er at the time). So really he might have been completely different and I'm just using the avatar incorrectly
Thanks I knew I should know who it was. Appreciated.
I'm going to share my opinion on the CitizenCon. I saw some pretty graphics (and many more unfinished graphics) and a lot of A-list voice actors, and I also saw some unexciting gameplay. The gameplay really did strike me as mediocre and forgettable. But, what really struck me was the difficulty they had pulling together circa 20 minutes of unique and interesting content for their presentation.
This is my perception and it may be wrong, but it seems that too much attention has been directed towards creating cinematic cutscenes and rubbing shoulders with A-listers, and far too little on making a fun game. I hope that attention is very swiftly turned to gameplay.
You didn't find the tech allowing seamless transitioning from area to area; ship to eva to satellite to eva to ship to station to landing on station to entering station to engaging in fps gameplay all without load screens impressive? Just asking cuz I most certainly did.
"It's pretty simple, really. If your only intention in posting about a particular game or topic is to be negative, then yes, you should probably move on. Voicing a negative opinion is fine, continually doing so on the same game is basically just trolling." - Michael Bitton Community Manager, MMORPG.com
"As an online discussion about Star Citizen grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Derek Smart approaches 1" - MrSnuffles's law
"I am jumping in here a bit without knowing exactly what you all or talking about." - SEANMCAD
It's interesting that the haters and certain other individuals have decided to focus on Sandi for some reason and make her a special target on their list.
I'm going to share my opinion on the CitizenCon. I saw some pretty graphics (and many more unfinished graphics) and a lot of A-list voice actors, and I also saw some unexciting gameplay. The gameplay really did strike me as mediocre and forgettable. But, what really struck me was the difficulty they had pulling together circa 20 minutes of unique and interesting content for their presentation.
This is my perception and it may be wrong, but it seems that too much attention has been directed towards creating cinematic cutscenes and rubbing shoulders with A-listers, and far too little on making a fun game. I hope that attention is very swiftly turned to gameplay.
You didn't find the tech allowing seamless transitioning from area to area; ship to eva to satellite to eva to ship to station to landing on station to entering station to engaging in fps gameplay all without load screens impressive? Just asking cuz I most certainly did.
It is impressive. Just as the fully rendered cut scenes are impressive. But neither are a substitute for gameplay and content.
It's interesting that the haters and certain other individuals have decided to focus on Sandi for some reason and make her a special target on their list.
Because like members of The Peoples Temple, they are only following their leaders word.
There are 3 types of people in the world. 1.) Those who make things happen 2.) Those who watch things happen 3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
No one found it weird with the FPS no one was shooting anyone?
Maybe they were all pacifists?
Don't judge them!
There are 3 types of people in the world. 1.) Those who make things happen 2.) Those who watch things happen 3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
It's interesting that the haters and certain other individuals have decided to focus on Sandi for some reason and make her a special target on their list.
I just think it's a bad decision to have an amateur actress that is also Director of HR and appears in every CIG stream and video as a character in game. I don't see any reason why she needs to be in the cast.
"It's pretty simple, really. If your only intention in posting about a particular game or topic is to be negative, then yes, you should probably move on. Voicing a negative opinion is fine, continually doing so on the same game is basically just trolling." - Michael Bitton Community Manager, MMORPG.com
"As an online discussion about Star Citizen grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Derek Smart approaches 1" - MrSnuffles's law
"I am jumping in here a bit without knowing exactly what you all or talking about." - SEANMCAD
I just watched all the Star Citizen videos (all three) and in my
personal opinion the whole Con 2015 is an indication that the Star
Citizen ship is sinking. Now here is why:
These guys went all out on spending money. They have studios everywhere
(Frankfurt, LA, Austin, Manchester - That's four full studios!) and god
only knows how many people on the payroll. Very well paid people. At
this point they should be showing everyone some significant progress.
Last year they showed few people walking around and shooting, few ships
flying and shooting.
This year you are essentially getting exactly the same update as last
yer + a web browser star map + announcement of spending god knows how
much on AAA movie stars to voice in-game characters. Web browser map is
laughable update, it's a gimmick. The whole cost of creating this map
would be less then the cost of putting up another $25 spaceship in the
cash shop.
On top of everything, they are now spending money by the bucket getting
movie stars to voice characters. And they are already running out of
Once I stepped back and looked at Star Citizen objectively, I was
honestly just horrified. Horrified 'couse gaming, out type of gaming,
does not need yet another failure, and right now I have no doubt that
this will be a glorious failure and a lot of people will loose some hard
earned money.
There is also a lot of rumors of $20,000 espresso machines in the studios. Rumors of
Stand back, forget the hype. Just think about this with a lvl head. They
are selling you in-game ships (that you can get in-game anyways) for
big money. Ships for a game that might not ever come out. Ships, most of
which you CANNOT use unless you have a dedicated crew of people WHO
the marketing genius of this, I don't want you guys to get hurt here.
Just consider buying the game when it comes out instead of pledging. If
you pledged, consider requesting a refund. If you really, really, want a
good space sim just buy Elite Dangerous and wait for Star Citizen to
come out!
The only way I see Star Citizen coming out & actually delivering
will be if/when they find their investor (another rumor), chances are
you will see the EA sticker on this one once everything is said and
I'm going to share my opinion on the CitizenCon. I saw some pretty graphics (and many more unfinished graphics) and a lot of A-list voice actors, and I also saw some unexciting gameplay. The gameplay really did strike me as mediocre and forgettable. But, what really struck me was the difficulty they had pulling together circa 20 minutes of unique and interesting content for their presentation.
This is my perception and it may be wrong, but it seems that too much attention has been directed towards creating cinematic cutscenes and rubbing shoulders with A-listers, and far too little on making a fun game. I hope that attention is very swiftly turned to gameplay.
You didn't find the tech allowing seamless transitioning from area to area; ship to eva to satellite to eva to ship to station to landing on station to entering station to engaging in fps gameplay all without load screens impressive? Just asking cuz I most certainly did.
It is impressive from a techinical standpoint, however there is a caveat. From a gameply point of view it was a lot of walking down corridors. That isn't a critisim it's a matter of taste, some people like that type of seemlessness some want to Pew Pew now. It's somewhat unfortunate that they chose that way to highlight gameplay that by necessity doen't entice all backers/watchers. Particularly at this point in time. Look at SWTOR and the voice overs and the transit stations; whats immersive to some is a break in gameplay for others. By defenition that portion was always going to get a mixed reception. No matter how well done.
EDIT if your only going to show 1/2 an hour of gameplay I might have chosen different things to highlight that fit a larger demographic. Same with the mocap for the FPS crowd a comparative few are going to concentrating on the realistic skin tones and movements while getting teabaggged by the person that just fragged them. They will likely be thinking...other things Sometimes good enough is good enough.
I just watched all the Star Citizen videos (all three) and in my
personal opinion the whole Con 2015 is an indication that the Star
Citizen ship is sinking. Now here is why:
These guys went all out on spending money. They have studios everywhere
(Frankfurt, LA, Austin, Manchester - That's four full studios!) and god
only knows how many people on the payroll. Very well paid people. At
this point they should be showing everyone some significant progress.
Last year they showed few people walking around and shooting, few ships
flying and shooting.
This year you are essentially getting exactly the same update as last
yer + a web browser star map + announcement of spending god knows how
much on AAA movie stars to voice in-game characters. Web browser map is
laughable update, it's a gimmick. The whole cost of creating this map
would be less then the cost of putting up another $25 spaceship in the
cash shop.
On top of everything, they are now spending money by the bucket getting
movie stars to voice characters. And they are already running out of
Once I stepped back and looked at Star Citizen objectively, I was
honestly just horrified. Horrified 'couse gaming, out type of gaming,
does not need yet another failure, and right now I have no doubt that
this will be a glorious failure and a lot of people will loose some hard
earned money.
There is also a lot of rumors of $20,000 espresso machines in the studios. Rumors of
Stand back, forget the hype. Just think about this with a lvl head. They
are selling you in-game ships (that you can get in-game anyways) for
big money. Ships for a game that might not ever come out. Ships, most of
which you CANNOT use unless you have a dedicated crew of people WHO
the marketing genius of this, I don't want you guys to get hurt here.
Just consider buying the game when it comes out instead of pledging. If
you pledged, consider requesting a refund. If you really, really, want a
good space sim just buy Elite Dangerous and wait for Star Citizen to
come out!
The only way I see Star Citizen coming out & actually delivering
will be if/when they find their investor (another rumor), chances are
you will see the EA sticker on this one once everything is said and
You wrote a wall of text filled with speculations predicting doom and destruction for SC just to tell people to buy Elite instead of giving money to CIG.
FYI: many SC backers backed Elite as well and are actively playing it. I'm one of them.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
I mean.. You are using the CRYENGINE and that piece of dung is what you have after 4 years and 90million in funds? What are they smoking and can i have some?
It shows what PvP games are really all about, and no, it's not about more realism and immersion. It's about cowards hiding behind a screen to they can bully other defenseless players without any risk of direct retaliation like there would be if they acted like asshats in "real life". -Jean-Luc_Picard
Life itself is a game. So why shouldn't your game be ruined? - justmemyselfandi
1. Strong indications that the game is more than 50% complete.
2. Number of star citizens reached 1 million.
3. Fund raising reached $100 million.
All of these criteria seem to be fulfilling right now in October 2015. At Citizencon 2015 they announced Squadron 42 website, revealed famous actors and intro video, and launched pre-oder packages. The number of backers is at 996,000 and total funding is almost at $92 million. If my hypothesis is correct, then during the first half of 2016 Star Citizen will attract hundreds of thousands of new backers from the mid-funder category of consumers.
By the time the game is launched, post-funders will bring at least $50 million of additional revenue. Star Citizen will obviously sell at least 2-3 million game packages. For many people the main attraction will be the single player game. Wing Commander 3 for PC sold 1 million copies and many first-person shooter games such as Doom 3 and Battlefield 1942 have sold 2-3 million copies. Star Citizen should also attract a good number of MMO players, which will ensure that it gets at least to the 2-3 million copy bracket of best-selling PC games of all time.
* more info, screenshots and videos here
It shows what PvP games are really all about, and no, it's not about more realism and immersion. It's about cowards hiding behind a screen to they can bully other defenseless players without any risk of direct retaliation like there would be if they acted like asshats in "real life". -Jean-Luc_Picard
Life itself is a game. So why shouldn't your game be ruined? - justmemyselfandi
They are already having planetary landings and atomspheric flights by the end of the year while SC is still yet to have a complete game, lol.
Also, releasing something actually playable matters, that's why people are getting restless about SC.
By Wing Commander standards it does look like Squadron 42 is at least 50% complete. They have a bunch of ships, gameplay involving battles of those ships, some places where people can walk around, and cinematic sequences with famous actors to fill the time between the battles. The remaining part is to slap that all together for a single player game.
* more info, screenshots and videos here
I know I should know it but can't think of what it is.
This is my perception and it may be wrong, but it seems that too much attention has been directed towards creating cinematic cutscenes and rubbing shoulders with A-listers, and far too little on making a fun game. I hope that attention is very swiftly turned to gameplay.
But to be fair... I was told I was like him in High School but never really read the manga or watched the show. I did read a couple of pages when I was compared to him and I'm pretty much a dirty ol' man (even though I was young-er at the time). So really he might have been completely different and I'm just using the avatar incorrectly
Just asking cuz I most certainly did.
She probably get's an A-List actor salary on top of her salary as Director. /smh
"It's pretty simple, really. If your only intention in posting about a particular game or topic is to be negative, then yes, you should probably move on. Voicing a negative opinion is fine, continually doing so on the same game is basically just trolling."
- Michael Bitton
Community Manager, MMORPG.com
"As an online discussion about Star Citizen grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Derek Smart approaches 1" - MrSnuffles's law
"I am jumping in here a bit without knowing exactly what you all or talking about."
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
Don't judge them!
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
"It's pretty simple, really. If your only intention in posting about a particular game or topic is to be negative, then yes, you should probably move on. Voicing a negative opinion is fine, continually doing so on the same game is basically just trolling."
- Michael Bitton
Community Manager, MMORPG.com
"As an online discussion about Star Citizen grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Derek Smart approaches 1" - MrSnuffles's law
"I am jumping in here a bit without knowing exactly what you all or talking about."
These guys went all out on spending money. They have studios everywhere (Frankfurt, LA, Austin, Manchester - That's four full studios!) and god only knows how many people on the payroll. Very well paid people. At this point they should be showing everyone some significant progress. Last year they showed few people walking around and shooting, few ships flying and shooting.
This year you are essentially getting exactly the same update as last yer + a web browser star map + announcement of spending god knows how much on AAA movie stars to voice in-game characters. Web browser map is laughable update, it's a gimmick. The whole cost of creating this map would be less then the cost of putting up another $25 spaceship in the cash shop.
On top of everything, they are now spending money by the bucket getting movie stars to voice characters. And they are already running out of money.
Once I stepped back and looked at Star Citizen objectively, I was honestly just horrified. Horrified 'couse gaming, out type of gaming, does not need yet another failure, and right now I have no doubt that this will be a glorious failure and a lot of people will loose some hard earned money.
There is also a lot of rumors of $20,000 espresso machines in the studios. Rumors of
Stand back, forget the hype. Just think about this with a lvl head. They are selling you in-game ships (that you can get in-game anyways) for big money. Ships for a game that might not ever come out. Ships, most of which you CANNOT use unless you have a dedicated crew of people WHO HAVE TO PLAY AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME AS YOU. As much as I appreciate the marketing genius of this, I don't want you guys to get hurt here.
Just consider buying the game when it comes out instead of pledging. If you pledged, consider requesting a refund. If you really, really, want a good space sim just buy Elite Dangerous and wait for Star Citizen to come out!
The only way I see Star Citizen coming out & actually delivering will be if/when they find their investor (another rumor), chances are you will see the EA sticker on this one once everything is said and done.
Sinister Savant MMORPG Community
It is impressive from a techinical standpoint, however there is a caveat. From a gameply point of view it was a lot of walking down corridors. That isn't a critisim it's a matter of taste, some people like that type of seemlessness some want to Pew Pew now. It's somewhat unfortunate that they chose that way to highlight gameplay that by necessity doen't entice all backers/watchers. Particularly at this point in time. Look at SWTOR and the voice overs and the transit stations; whats immersive to some is a break in gameplay for others. By defenition that portion was always going to get a mixed reception. No matter how well done.
EDIT if your only going to show 1/2 an hour of gameplay I might have chosen different things to highlight that fit a larger demographic. Same with the mocap for the FPS crowd a comparative few are going to concentrating on the realistic skin tones and movements while getting teabaggged by the person that just fragged them. They will likely be thinking...other things Sometimes good enough is good enough.
FYI: many SC backers backed Elite as well and are actively playing it. I'm one of them.